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Home Blog PPC Optimization Case Studies: 5 Best Examples

PPC Optimization Case Studies: 5 Best Examples

A PPC optimization case study demonstrates how a pay-per-click campaign was enhanced to achieve better performance. For marketers, these case studies are invaluable as they provide actionable insights, proven strategies, and practical examples that can inspire and guide the optimization of their own PPC campaigns. By learning from real-world successes and challenges, you can refine your approach, improve return on investment, and ultimately drive more effective and efficient PPC results. Check out the best PPC case studies collected in one post and find out how Landingi can help you to optimize your PPC campaigns.
Last updated:
August 27, 2024
Optimization PPC case studies with data and real examples

A PPC optimization case study is an evidence-based article describing how a real ad campaign by a real company was effectively improved for better results. It brings accolades and builds credibility for the company that performed optimization and, at the same time, provides unique insights and inspiration for other companies tackling various PPC challenges. Thus, it’s one of the most wanted content types in the digital marketing field.

Explore the best PPC optimization examples collected in one place and uncover tips and practices on how to join more than 84% of brands and marketers experiencing good results with their PPC campaigns (as reported by Ranktracker).

Key Takeaways:

  • data-driven strategies are essential: successful PPC campaigns rely on continuous analysis and adjustment, as highlighted in every PPC optimization report,
  • refined creatives boost engagement: optimizing ad copy and visuals leads to better click-through and conversion rates,
  • precise audience targeting: focusing on audience segmentation and keyword management reduces costs and attracts more qualified leads,
  • optimized landing pages are crucial: well-optimized landing pages are essential for converting traffic into leads or sales, directly impacting campaign success,
  • holistic approaches ensure long-term success: combining targeted bidding, audience segmentation, and optimized landing pages results in sustainable growth.

Let’s get to it!

What is a PPC Optimization Case Study?

A PPC optimization case study is a detailed analysis that showcases how a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign was improved or optimized to achieve better outcomes. It may concern successful display ads refining, effective improvements for video ads campaigns, or – most often – success stories related to paid advertising in search results.

Case studies provide real-world examples, detailing the initial challenges, the strategies implemented to address those challenges, and the outcomes of those strategies. They focus on key aspects such as keyword selection, ad copy, bid adjustments, targeting, and the role of landing pages in driving conversions.

The goal of a PPC optimization case studies is to provide insights into what worked, why it worked, and how similar techniques can be applied to other campaigns to enhance performance. It serves as a learning tool for marketers looking to refine their PPC efforts by examining proven strategies and their tangible PPC results.

Usually, in PPC optimization case studies, data charts illustrate key metrics to highlight the details and foster credibility.

The most valuable benefits described in ad campaigns optimization case studies and PPC success stories may be related to:

  • optimized overall ad spend (or cost per conversion, average CPC, etc.),
  • increased click-through rate,
  • attracting more leads (or more targeted leads),
  • and increased conversion rate.

5 Best PPC Optimization Examples

PPC case studies demonstrate successful ad campaigns, so they are a great way to learn how to optimize your own paid ad strategies. Let’s check a few and find out how real companies achieved great business and/or marketing outcomes by optimizing their PPC approaches.

We’ll take into account only PPC case studies where both the optimizing company and the client are recognized, giving us confidence that the stories are trustworthy. The exception is made for Kuno Creative, where the name of the client’s brand is not mentioned, but it’s pretty easy to investigate who it is based on tracking social media interactions.

1. Scandiweb (for Aeropost)

This case study explores how Aeropost significantly increased its revenue during the peak holiday season by implementing a holistic strategic PPC optimization based on data-driven approaches performed by the Scandiweb PPC agency.

Goal (Scope)

The primary goal of the PPC optimization for Aeropost was to significantly increase revenue during the peak holiday season while maintaining or reducing costs. This involved targeting new customer acquisitions and maximizing returns on ad spend (ROAS) across various Google Ads accounts.

Challenges to tackle

The campaign faced several challenges, including a narrow window for optimization, dispersed data across multiple ad accounts, and suboptimal performance metrics. Additionally, the need to balance aggressive growth with cost efficiency during the competitive peak season was a key concern.


To overcome these challenges, a comprehensive strategy was implemented. This included consolidating fragmented data into a single dashboard, enabling more precise performance tracking. The team restructured and optimized over 100 campaigns, focusing on advanced bidding strategies, audience segmentation, and personalized messaging. Emphasis was placed on identifying and targeting high-value customer segments, refining ad copy, and adjusting bids based on real-time performance data. Additionally, the use of automated bidding and advanced algorithms allowed for scaling efforts efficiently.


The strategic approach delivered impressive results that can be boiled down to the following:

  • 224% increase in revenue,
  • 72% improvement in ROAS,
  • significant growth in new customer acquisition,
  • enhanced long-term value beyond peak season,
  • proven effectiveness of PPC strategy,
  • highlighted the importance of data-driven decisions and agile campaign management.

Based on: story by Pedro Pereira

2. MTA Digital (for NewDataLabs)

This case study details how MTA Digital successfully optimized PPC lead generation for NewDataLabs, a company operating in a complex B2B environment. Faced with tight budget constraints and the need to improve lead quality, the team undertook a series of strategic actions to enhance campaign effectiveness on both Facebook and Google platforms.

Goal (Scope)

The primary objective was to attract targeted leads of higher quality for NewDataLabs’ webinars while minimizing costs. The focus was on achieving a significant reduction in cost per lead (CPL) while increasing the overall effectiveness of their PPC efforts.

Challenges to Tackle

The main challenges for NewDataLabs obstructing their PPC success was as follows:

  • complex and competitive industry: operating in a B2B environment presented unique challenges in targeting and messaging,
  • budget constraints: limited financial resources required careful allocation and prioritization,
  • creative performance: existing ad creatives were underperforming, leading to lower engagement rates,
  • audience reach: difficulty in effectively reaching niche B2B audiences on Facebook and Google.


To address these challenges, MTA Digital employed a multifaceted approach. The team conducted thorough A/B testing across various bidding methods to identify the most cost-effective strategies. They also restructured campaign frameworks to optimize resource allocation and adjusted audience targeting to better align with NewDataLabs’ ideal customer profile. Enhancements to ad creatives, including crafting more targeted copy, were implemented to improve engagement and conversion rates. Additionally, they focused on granular tracking and analysis to continually refine and adapt their approach.


After optimization, NewDataLabs saw:

  • 31% improvement in click-through rate (CTR),
  • 71% reduction in cost per lead (CPL),
  • significant increase in lead quality,
  • improved resource efficiency,
  • greater alignment with target audience needs.

These results underscore the effectiveness of data-driven strategies in overcoming budgetary and performance challenges, ultimately delivering high-quality leads at a lower cost.

Based on: story by Anton Kirichenko and Klaudia Szlendak

3. Kuno Creative (for NY real estate client)

This case study explores how Kuno Creative transformed the PPC performance for a real estate investment firm struggling with high costs and low conversion rates. By adopting a data-driven and strategic approach, Kuno Creative managed to significantly improve the company’s return on investment (ROI) and optimize their lead generation process.

Goal (Scope)

The main objective was to reduce the high cost per conversion while enhancing the overall efficiency of PPC and paid social media campaigns. The focus was on driving more qualified leads at a lower cost, thereby maximizing the firm’s marketing budget.

Challenges to Tackle

The real estate company faced several challenges, including a high cost per lead that was unsustainable for long-term growth. Additionally, their ad campaigns were underperforming, leading to low conversion rates and poor ROI. The lack of detailed insights and effective reporting further complicated their ability to make informed decisions and justify their ad spend.


Kuno Creative implemented a comprehensive strategy to address these challenges. They began by restructuring the existing PPC campaigns, focusing on improving ad relevance and targeting. The team optimized ad creatives to better resonate with the target audience, while also refining keyword strategies to capture more qualified traffic. After thorough keyword research, they introduced new audience segmentation tactics, designed high-converting landing pages, and enhanced reporting mechanisms to provide clearer insights and improve decision-making.


The changes applied resulted in whopping:

  • 28% increase in click-through rate (CTR),
  • 38% increase in unique conversions,
  • 115% increase in conversion rate,
  • 35% decrease in cost per conversion.

Based on: Kuno Creative’s story

4. AdBadger (for Rocketbook)

This case study showcases how Ad Badger helped Rocketbook, a company known for its innovative reusable notebooks, optimize their Amazon PPC campaigns to achieve significant revenue growth. By addressing inefficiencies in their existing strategies, Ad Badger enabled Rocketbook to scale their business while maintaining a healthy advertising cost of sales (ACOS).

Goal (Scope)

The primary goal was to scale Rocketbook’s business on Amazon by increasing ad spend effectively, while keeping ACOS at a profitable level, ensuring sustainable revenue growth.

Challenges to Tackle

Rocketbook faced challenges with broad match campaigns that led to wasted ad spend, poor click-through rates (CTR), and missed revenue opportunities. Additionally, there was no consistent process for keyword discovery and bid optimization, limiting their ability to scale efficiently.


Ad Badger implemented a multi-step strategy to address these issues. They refined campaign structures by reducing reliance on broad match keywords and introduced a systematic approach to keyword discovery and bid optimization. This included using exact match keywords for better control and implementing negative keywords to eliminate wasteful ad spend. Additionally, they optimized individual keyword bids to maximize profitability while ensuring that high-performing search terms received appropriate focus.


As a result, the company behind Rocketbook observed:

  • 448% revenue growth during peak season,
  • 50% sustained revenue growth post-holiday season,
  • 21% increase in CTR,
  • 86% of total ad spend moved to performance-based manual campaigns,
  • 96% increase in overall ad spend with optimized returns,

Based on: Ad Bager’s story

5. SevenAtmos (for Revecent)

This case study details how SevenAtoms effectively optimized PPC campaigns for Revecent, a specialized sales recruiting firm, to overcome high costs and low conversion rates. By implementing a data-driven approach, they significantly improved lead generation, resulting in a more cost-effective and efficient marketing strategy.

Goal (Scope)

The primary objective was to increase the volume of high-quality leads while reducing the cost per conversion, thereby improving the return on ad spend (ROAS) and overall campaign profitability.

Challenges to Tackle

Revecent faced multiple challenges in their PPC efforts, including an inefficient campaign structure that resulted in irrelevant traffic, high costs, and low conversion rates. Their existing keyword targeting lacked precision, leading to wasted ad spend. Additionally, their landing pages were not optimized to convert traffic effectively, further compounding the issue of low lead generation.


SevenAtoms undertook a comprehensive overhaul of Revecent’s PPC strategy. First, they restructured the entire account by creating single-keyword ad groups (SKAGs) to enhance ad relevance and improve quality scores. This allowed for more precise targeting and better control over ad messaging. They also introduced dynamic text replacement on landing pages to match the ad copy, increasing relevance and improving user experience. A rigorous keyword management process was implemented, focusing on both positive and negative keywords to minimize wasted spend. Continuous A/B testing of ads and landing pages, along with ongoing bid optimization, ensured that the campaigns remained efficient and effective.


These action set resulted in:

  • 78% reduction in cost per conversion,
  • 290% increase in conversion rate,
  • 9x increase in lead volume,
  • 15% improvement in lead-to-opportunity conversion rate.

Based on: SevenAtmos’s story


Regardless of the PPC tools or channels you use (paid search campaigns via Bing Ads or Google Ads, display and YouTube campaigns, etc.), your ads usually direct users (potential customers) to your landing pages. Here is where the final battle on conversion takes place. Poorly designed pages with low performance may heavily influence your campaign performance or even ruin whole PPC strategies.

In Landingi you can not only create beautiful designs from scratch or based on hundreds of customizable templates but also build CRO-focused landing pages with a range of optimization tools. Apart from an extensive A/B testing console, you can use the platform’s advanced user behavior tracker, a set of AI tools for content creation and even automated translations to many languages. Not to mention that with over 200 integrations Landingi easily connects with tools and platforms for PPC ads or other ones with dedicated features for PPC campaigns.

Learn lessons from the covered PPC optimization examples, create your campaigns with appealing and well-targeted landing pages, and, who knows, maybe one day we’ll update this article with your PPC optimization case study? Also, if you’re ready to share your experiences right now, just send us your PPC optimization report and we’ll tell your story too.

Marcin Hylewski

Marcin Hylewski

Content Writer

Marcin Hylewski is a marketing content expert with over 5 years of expertise in content creation and has been involved in digital marketing for over a year. He writes about creating landing pages and optimizing their conversion rates. Currently, he is under the mentorship of Błażej Abel, the CEO of Landingi, a front-runner in landing page solutions.
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