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Home Blog Annonces PPC LinkedIn : Définition, meilleures pratiques et exemples

Annonces PPC LinkedIn : Définition, meilleures pratiques et exemples

LinkedIn est plus qu’une simple plateforme de réseautage professionnel ; c’est une mine d’or pour les spécialistes du marketing B2B. Avec la bonne stratégie, les publicités LinkedIn peuvent être une percée pour votre entreprise. Découvrez la puissance de la publicité PPC sur LinkedIn en examinant les définitions, les meilleures pratiques et des exemples concrets. Apprenez à tirer parti des caractéristiques uniques de la plateforme pour atteindre votre public idéal et obtenir des résultats impressionnants.
PPC on LinkedIn

PPC LinkedIn ads are a powerful tool for businesses seeking to connect with a professional audience on the world’s largest professional network. They allow businesses to reach targeted segments with tailored messages that resonate with their professional interests and needs, yet running an effective campaign on LinkedIn can be challenging.

According to WebFX statistics, LinkedIn advertising has demonstrated a positive impact on businesses, with 57% reporting satisfaction with their return on investment (ROI) – this underscores PPC meaning in digital marketing strategies and shows that LinkedIn pay-per-click advertising allows businesses to reach their audiences and turn them into customers.

Whether you’re looking to promote a service, generate leads, or increase brand awareness, LinkedIn’s robust advertising platform provides numerous options for customizing and optimizing campaigns to achieve specific business objectives. With our comprehensive guide, you’ll discover how to create a LinkedIn campaign that aligns with your goals and drive high ROI – at the beginning, learn the essential 3 tips:

  1. Focus on defining your target audience to leverage LinkedIn’s targeting options efficiently.
  2. Always direct ad viewers to a dedicated landing page to increase ROI.
  3. Test various ad formats and ad-related landing pages to find their most effective versions.

This article explores LinkedIn PPC best practices, providing examples and strategies for maximizing ROI, but it also gives you the best PPC marketing tool for landing pages Landingi, which will help you enhance your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can harness the full potential of PPC LinkedIn ads to grow your business and connect with the right audience.

What Is PPC on LinkedIn?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) on LinkedIn is a form of online advertising on social media platform where businesses pay a fee each time their ad is clicked by a user. This model is particularly effective on LinkedIn, a platform that connects professionals across various industries. LinkedIn’s PPC ads allow advertisers to target a specific professional audience based on criteria such as job title, industry, company size, and more.

LinkedIn offers several types of PPC ads, including Sponsored Content, Text Ads, Sponsored Messaging, and Dynamic Ads. Each ad type serves different purposes, from promoting content within users’ feeds to sending personalized messages directly to their inboxes. This variety enables advertisers to choose the format that best suits their campaign goals, whether it’s driving traffic to a website, generating leads, or increasing brand visibility.

Using LinkedIn’s advanced targeting capabilities, businesses can create highly focused campaigns that reach the right professionals and businesses, making their ad spend more efficient. This precise targeting, combined with the professional context of LinkedIn, helps ensure that PPC ads are seen by decision-makers and key influencers, enhancing the likelihood of achieving desired marketing outcomes.

Attract, engage, convert! Build high-converting PPC landing pages for your LinkedIn ads on Landingi today.

How Does LinkedIn PPC Advertising Work?

LinkedIn PPC advertising operates on a competitive bidding system where advertisers compete for ad space. By setting budgets and optimizing bids, businesses can control costs and maximize ad visibility. LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager provides tools to monitor performance metrics like click-through rates, cost per click, and conversions. Leveraging these insights, companies can refine their campaigns for optimal results and a strong return on investment.

LinkedIn PPC advertising involves key steps, similar to the other social media platforms PPC model, as follows:

  1. Ad objectives – advertisers can select from a variety of objectives based on what they hope to achieve with their ads. Common objectives include brand awareness, website visits, lead generation, engagement, video views, and conversions. The chosen objective helps LinkedIn optimize ad delivery to reach users most likely to engage.
  2. Ad creation and advanced targeting – advertisers can select from various ad formats on LinkedIn, including sponsored content, text ads, sponsored messaging, and dynamic ads. To precisely target their ideal audience, advertisers can refine their campaigns based on factors like demographics, job titles, company size, industry, interests, and even create lookalike audiences. Advanced targeting ensures ads reach the most relevant professionals.
  3. Budget and ad schedule – businesses set a daily or total budget for their campaigns and determine the duration for which their ads will run. LinkedIn’s bidding system allows for both manual and automatic bids. Advertisers can manually set their bids, giving them more control over their spending, or opt for maximum delivery (automated) bidding, where LinkedIn optimizes for the best results within the set budget. This flexibility helps advertisers achieve their campaign goals efficiently.
  4. Performance monitoring – once a campaign is live, advertisers can monitor its performance through LinkedIn Campaign Manager, where they can track various metrics, including impressions, clicks, social actions and ad spend. Key performance indicators (KPIs), such as CTR, CPC, and conversions, provide insights into the campaign’s effectiveness. Advertisers can use these metrics to make necessary adjustments and optimize their campaigns for better results. Continuous monitoring and optimization are crucial for maximizing the impact and ROI of LinkedIn PPC advertising.

6 LinkedIn PPC Best Practices

Meet the 6 LinkedIn PPC best practices and learn how to master targeted audience selection, effectively optimize ad copy for maximum engagement, and craft compelling visuals that convert. These proven methods can help you dramatically improve your ad performance, generate high-quality leads, and achieve a substantial return on investment. Check the following tips for LinkedIn PPC campaigns and use these strategies while creating your new campaign to achieve the best results.

Optimize your LinkedIn PPC campaigns with Landingi and maximize your ROI!

#1 Establish a comprehensive keyword architecture

The first best practice for running a winning LinkedIn PPC campaign is to establish a comprehensive keyword selection. This serves as the cornerstone for precise audience targeting and ad relevance. By identifying and prioritizing keywords that accurately reflect your target audience’s search intent, you can significantly enhance ad delivery and performance.

Before delving into the specifics, it’s crucial to grasp the significance of keyword selection. Imagine that keywords are the linguistic bridge connecting your target audience with your advertising message. Once you employ a strategic approach to keyword identification and implementation, you’ll unlock the potential to deliver highly relevant ads that resonate with your target audience.

Learn how to properly set your keyword strategy with a short PPC campaigns keyword selection guide:

  1. In-depth competitor analysis – use professional tools like Ahrefs to identify key competitors in your industry. Once you have found your competitors, analyze their LinkedIn ad campaigns, focusing on keywords and ad copy. You can utilize LinkedIn’s search bar to discover relevant keywords used by your target audience.
  2. Thorough audience understanding – create detailed buyer personas to understand your target audience’s needs, pain points, and desires. Conduct in-depth market research to identify industry-specific terminology and jargon. You can leverage LinkedIn’s search features to find relevant groups, discussions, and content.
  3. Keyword brainstorming – generate a comprehensive list of potential keywords based on your industry, products, or services. Consider different keyword variations, including synonyms, related terms, and long-tail keywords. Then, utilize keyword tools, such as Semrush, to expand your keyword list.
  4. Keyword refinement – evaluate the search volume and competition level for each keyword, and prioritize keywords with high search volume and low competition. Group keywords into relevant themes or ad groups.
  5. Keyword integration – incorporate selected keywords into your ad copy, headlines, and landing page content. Use relevant keywords in your LinkedIn ad targeting options. Continuously monitor keyword performance and make necessary adjustments.

Once you have established your keyword strategy, learn how to optimize phrases for the best results – it’s one of the most important parts of managing your LinkedIn PPC campaigns. Check the following best practices for keyword optimization:

  • Relevance – ensure keywords accurately reflect your target audience’s search intent.
  • Diversity – utilize a mix of short-tail, long-tail, and related keywords.
  • Specificity – employ highly specific keywords to target a niche audience.
  • Negative Keywords – exclude irrelevant keywords to improve ad targeting.
  • A/B Testing – experiment with different keyword combinations to optimize performance.

To ensure your keyword strategy performs well, stay updated and regularly monitor industry trends to incorporate new keywords, consider location-based keywords if targeting a specific geographic area, and continuously expand your keyword list to reach a wider audience. By diligently following this guide and incorporating best practices, you can build a robust keyword foundation for your LinkedIn PPC campaigns, driving increased visibility, engagement, and conversions.

#2 Precisely define your target audience

The second LinkedIn PPC best practice is to precisely define your target audience. It’s the foundation of a high-performing LinkedIn PPC campaign. By meticulously defining your ideal customer, you equip yourself with the ability to craft hyper-relevant ad messaging and deliver it to the precise individuals most likely to engage. This level of precision significantly enhances campaign efficiency, reduces wasted ad spend, and boosts conversion rates.

To effectively define your target audience, the creation of comprehensive buyer personas is essential. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer, incorporating demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data. By developing detailed buyer personas, you gain invaluable insights into your audience’s needs, challenges, and desires. While creating your perfect customer, include the following key elements:

  • Demographics: age, gender, location, job title, industry, company size, education level, income.
  • Psychographics: interests, hobbies, values, lifestyle, challenges, goals.
  • Behaviors: online habits, social media usage, purchase behavior, decision-making process.

Once you have the full picture of your ideal customer, leverage LinkedIn’s targeting options. Thanks to them, you can precisely define your audience. These features allow you to create highly targeted ad campaigns that deliver exceptional results, thanks to core targeting options, including:

  • Locations 
  • Audience attributes
  • Custom audiences

Locations attribute is required while creating a new LinkedIn PPC campaign and allows you to target audiences based on geographic location in two ways: permanent location, which targets long-term location based on account information, and permanent or recent location, which targets permanent location based on account information or recent location based on IP address. You should remember that message ads can be targeted only by permanent location. Then, you have to choose also one of 21 available profile languages – when you choose English, your campaign will target all LinkedIn users within the chosen localization, regardless of the language they have selected for their profiles, but when you choose any other language, the campaign will be delivered to audiences that have selected this language in their profiles.

LinkedIn’s audience attribute significantly differs from other social media advertising platforms, allowing you to reach professionals and businesses. Instead of simple targeting options where you choose demographics, interests, and behaviors, on LinkedIn, you can target specific companies. Choosing a company category, industry, size, revenue, or even company name allows you to target specific businesses. You can also target professionals based on their job experience, including job title, seniority level, skills, and also schools, and degrees.

To expand your reach while maintaining audience relevance, consider building lookalike audiences. LinkedIn’s platform allows you to create custom audiences based on existing customer data and then identify similar individuals who share similar characteristics. This strategy can help you discover new potential customers and increase campaign effectiveness.

As market conditions evolve and customer preferences shift, it’s crucial to review and refine your target audience regularly. By tracking campaign performance metrics and analyzing audience engagement, you can make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

#3 Create a high-converting landing page

The third best practice for LinkedIn PPC campaigns is to create a high-converting landing page. A landing page serves as the crucial bridge between ad engagement and desired action. Its primary objective is to convert visitors into leads or customers. To achieve this, it’s essential to create a landing page that is both visually appealing and highly persuasive.

Optimize your LinkedIn PPC landing pages with Landingi and achieve better ROI!

To create a professional PPC landing page, use the best landing page tool,Landingi – a multifunctional platform that provides all necessary tools for crafting and optimizing well-performing landing pages for various digital marketing strategies, including PPC. Try to incorporate the following design and conversion rate optimization best practices:

Landing page design and layout best practices

  • Use a clear layout – keep the layout clean and focused.
  • Keep above the fold content – place the most important information above the fold to capture attention immediately.
  • Leverage white space – utilize white space effectively to improve readability and create a visually appealing design.
  • Keep branding consistent – maintain consistency with your brand identity throughout the landing page.
  • Ensure fast loading speed – optimize images and minimize code to ensure quick loading times.

Landing page conversion rate optimization (CRO)

  • Use A/B testing – leverage Landingi’s A/B testing tool to experiment with different page versions. Test headline variations, copy, visuals, forms, and CTA buttons to identify the most effective elements.
  • Analyze performance and user behavior – use tools like EventTracker from Landingi to track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.
  • Set a clear value proposition – clearly communicate the benefits of your product or service to the visitor.
  • Provide a strong offer – provide a compelling offer or incentive to encourage conversions.
  • Eliminate distractions – remove any unnecessary elements that might distract visitors from the primary goal.

By following these guidelines and continuously optimizing your landing page, you can significantly increase your conversion rates and generate a higher return on investment for your LinkedIn PPC campaigns.

#4 Develop a winning strategy

The fourth LinkedIn PPC best practice is to develop a winning strategy. Your strategic blueprint should outline clear objectives, target audience identification, messaging, budgeting, bidding, and performance measurement methodologies. By establishing a well-defined strategy, you can optimize resource allocation, enhance campaign coherence, and ultimately achieve desired business outcomes.

Bidding plays a pivotal role in LinkedIn PPC, influencing ad visibility and expenses. Selecting the appropriate strategy hinges on your objectives and financial resources, so focus on this and consider the following bidding strategies:

  • Cost per acquisition (CPA) – ideal for driving conversions, CPA bidding empowers advertisers to set a maximum cost per customer acquisition. This approach ensures efficient budget allocation by optimizing bids to achieve desired conversion goals.
  • Cost per mille (CPM) – prioritizing brand awareness and lead generation, CPM bidding focuses on maximizing ad impressions. Suitable for campaigns aiming to increase brand visibility and generate initial interest.
  • Maximize clicks – designed for budget-conscious advertisers, this strategy prioritizes driving website traffic. While effective for generating initial leads, it requires additional nurturing to convert visitors into customers.

By carefully considering campaign goals and available budget, you can select the most suitable bidding strategy and optimize their LinkedIn PPC campaigns for maximum impact.

#5 Leverage various visual assets

The fifth best practice for an effective LinkedIn advertising campaign is to leverage various visual assets. A compelling visual narrative can significantly enhance ad performance by capturing attention, conveying key messages, and driving engagement. By strategically employing a variety of visual formats, advertisers can cater to different audience preferences and optimize ad creative for maximum impact.

On LinkedIn, where professionals are seeking valuable information and inspiration, high-quality visuals can be a game-changer. By incorporating a mix of images, videos, and infographics into your campaigns, you can create a visually rich experience that resonates with your target audience, as follows:

  • Imagebased ads – offer a straightforward way to showcase your product or service. However, to stand out, consider using eye-catching visuals that tell a story or evoke emotion. Experiment with different image styles, such as lifestyle shots, product close-ups, or infographics.
  • Video ads – have become increasingly popular on LinkedIn due to their ability to capture attention and convey complex messages effectively. Whether it’s a short explainer video, a customer testimonial, or a behind-the-scenes look at your business, a video can be a powerful tool for generating engagement.
  • Infographics – are a versatile format that can be used to present data, statistics, or complex information in a visually appealing way. By incorporating infographics into your LinkedIn campaigns, you can educate your audience and establish your brand as a thought leader.

Remember to optimize your visual assets for LinkedIn’s platform by using high-resolution images and videos that load quickly. Additionally, consider using relevant captions and alt text to improve accessibility and search engine visibility. By carefully selecting and utilizing a variety of visual formats, you can create engaging LinkedIn ads that drive results.

Use AI landing page features from Landingi to craft attractive, visually appealing LinkedIn PPC pages

#6 Harness the potential of dynamic ads

The sixth LinkedIn PPC best practice is to harness the potential of dynamic ads. This innovative ad format leverages real-time data to deliver personalized content to individual users. By dynamically tailoring ad creative and messaging based on audience attributes and behavior, businesses can significantly enhance ad relevance and engagement. This personalized approach fosters stronger connections with the target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions and driving overall campaign performance.

How to Start a PPC Campaign on LinkedIn?

To start a PPC campaign on LinkedIn, prepare your strategy and set up LinkedIn Campaign Manager account. Then, follow the platforms instructions: define your campaign objectives and the target audience, select appropriate ad format, set budget and schedule, and create your ad content. Remember to use external link for PPC, directing users to dedicated landing page. Launch your campaign and continue to monitor its efficiency and optimize it for better results.

Check out the following 9-step guide and learn how to start a high-performing LinkedIn advertising campaign:

1. Set up LinkedIn Campaign Manager

Firstly, set up LinkedIn Campaign Manager, the platform where you’ll manage your ads. If you don’t already have an account, you’ll need to create one. This tool allows you to control your ad spend, set targeting parameters, and analyze campaign performance. Sign in to see your advertiser’s account, select “Create”, and choose “Campaign” to open ad creator.

2. Define your campaign objective

Secondly, define your campaign objectives. Determine what you want to achieve with your LinkedIn PPC campaign. LinkedIn suggests three paths: awareness, consideration, and conversion. Each of these paths includes specific objectives from which you have to choose the one:

  • Awareness: brand awareness.
  • Consideration: website visits, engagement, video views.
  • Conversion: lead generation, talent leads, website conversions, job applicants.

As you already know, at PPC, the objective determines the choice of bidding strategy and ad formats. For instance, if you aim to increase website visits, you should choose sponsored content as your ad format and focus on the CPC strategy.

3. Define your target audience

Thirdly, define your target audience. Use LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options to reach your desired audience. LinkedIn, with a huge user database, allows for precise audience targeting by location, demographics, professional criteria, and interests or groups. You can also see who you already have in your lead database and leverage your own data in the Matched Audiences feature. It includes retargeting, contact targeting, and account-based targeting options.

In LinkedIn Campaign Manager, you can target by:

  • Location – long-term location (account) or recent location (IP address), language.
  • Demographics – age, gender.
  • Professional criteria – job title, industry, company size, seniority, education, etc.
  • Interests and groups – professional interests, group memberships.
  • Matched audiences – your own data, including website visitors, email contacts, or account-based marketing (ABM) lists.

LinkedIn boasts a global community of over 1 billion professionals in more than 200 countries. If you pay attention to audience targeting, you can efficiently reach businesses and professionals in your industry.

4. Select the right ad format

Fourthly, select the right ad format. Choose from various ad formats available on LinkedIn based on your campaign goals. You have 4 general ad formats to choose from, including the following:

  • Sponsored Content – native ads that appear in users’ feeds, available as single image ads, carousel ads, or video ads.
  • Text Ads – simple ads that appear in the sidebar.
  • Sponsored Messaging – direct messages sent to users’ LinkedIn inboxes.
  • Dynamic Ads – personalized ads that automatically customize to the profile of the viewer.

However, LinkedIn allows you to create various types of ads, including single-image ads, video ads, carousel image ads, message ads, text ads, dynamic ads, document ads, and thought leader ads. It’s up to you to choose the right ad format to align with your campaign goal and audience expectations. The best option for starting a new campaign is to conduct A/B tests to discover which ad format brings the best ROI.

5. Set your budget and schedule

Fifthly, set your budget and schedule. Determine your budget strategy by setting a daily or total campaign budget. LinkedIn offers flexible bidding options:

  • CPC (CostPerClick) – pay when someone clicks on your ad.
  • CPM (CostPerMille) – pay for every 1,000 impressions.
  • CPV (CostPerView) – pay when someone views your video ad.

In LinkedIn ads bidding settings, you can also change the optimization goal and the bidding strategy, e.g., reach as your goal and maximum delivery as your strategy, which aims to get the most possible results from your budget.

At this phase, you have to choose a start and end date for your campaign. Depending on the campaign type, you can also let it run continuously. When you want to promote something seasonal, set full schedule dates, or when your campaign goal is to build brand awareness, you can choose to continue displaying ads without an end date.

6. Create Compelling Ad Content

Sixthly, create compelling ad content. Develop engaging ad content that resonates with your target audience. Use clear, concise messaging and high-quality visuals, like an immersive picture. Think of written content as the description for this image or video, and include a few words about your new product, webinar, application, or anything you offer. In the ad, show fewer – build interest, but don’t describe your offer fully. This way, you will encourage potential customers to click the ad and discover more details on your page. To achieve the best results, include a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages users to take the desired action.

7. Link ad-related landing page

Seventhly, link ad-related landing page. It’s extremely important in a few cases: when you want to boost page visits, when your goal is lead generation, when you want to increase conversions on your page, or when you aim to reach job applicants. This page should serve as a seamless extension of the ad, providing a cohesive user experience and driving conversions. By aligning the landing page messaging with the ad copy and ensuring a smooth transition between the two, you can significantly enhance campaign effectiveness and maximize return on investment.

You can build your PPC landing page using the best platform Landingi. It offers over 400 customizable templates for various industries and provides all the necessary tools for crafting and managing high-converting pages. Landingi is also a great tool for paid campaign optimization, allowing you to squeeze the most from your LinkedIn PPC advertising.

Engage and convert B2B audiences on LinkedIn with well-designed PPC landing pages.

Remember your ad-related landing page must be clear, designed to focus visitors’ attention on a single goal, and optimized for the best user experience. Ensure it loads fast and displays well on all device screens, and consider using alternative text description for each image and video to make your page accessible to everyone.

8. Launch and monitor your campaign

Eighthly, launch and monitor your campaign. Once your campaign is set up, launch it and use LinkedIn Campaign Manager to track its performance. Monitor key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) to assess effectiveness. If your pay-per-click campaign includes a link to an external landing page, remember to measure its performance and use gathered data for further optimization.

For this purpose, you can use EventTracker, a built-in Landingi tool designed to track events and user behavior across your landing pages. It collects all the data in a transparent Landingi Dashboard, allowing for effortless data analysis.

9. Optimize and refine your campaign

Lastly, optimize and refine your campaign. Use insights from LinkedIn’s analytics tools and landing page tracking tools, like EventTracker, to optimize your campaign. Test different ad variations to see which elements perform best and adjust targeting, ad copy, and bidding strategies based on performance data to improve results.

Similarly, leverage the A/B testing tool from Landingi to experiment with various ad-related landing page versions – test different headlines, visuals, forms, and CTA buttons to discover which of them meet your audience’s expectations and give the best conversion results. Based on the gathered data, implement the most powerful elements to your proper PPC landing page to boost your campaign’s performance and achieve higher ROI.

Ad creation is just the beginning – once you launch your LinkedIn PPC campaign, continue to track KPIs, optimize ads, and refine your adrelated landing pages to increase ROI.

What Is the Cost of a PPC LinkedIn Campaign?

The cost of a PPC LinkedIn campaign can start from $0.26 (avg. cost per send – for sponsored messages), $2.00 (avg. cost per click), and $5.01 (avg. cost per 1000 impressions). However, LinkedIn advertising costs can vary depending on factors that influence how your budget is spent, such as ad quality and relevance, bidding strategy, type of ad, and targeting options. The average costs of LinkedIn PPC campaigns in 2024, based on WebFX statistics, are the following:

  • Avg. CPC (cost per click): from $2.00 to $3.00
  • Avg. CPM (cost per 1000 impressions): from $5.01 to $8.00
  • Avg. CPS (cost per send): from $0.26 to $0.50

LinkedIn is a platform that requires a minimum bid of $2.00 for CPC and CPM and a minimum wage of daily spending of $10. Running an advertising campaign on LinkedIn you can set your daily budget, which ensures you won’t spend more than you want. You can also choose between manual and automated bidding – it’s good to start with the Maximum Delivery option, which automatically adjusts bids within your budget.

LinkedIn PPC costs can include indirect costs of hiring professionals or leveraging digital marketing tools. If you want to hire social media advertising experts to manage your LinkedIn campaigns, agencies and employees at PPC charge an average of $650 to $3,000 monthly. This cost also depends on campaign size and specific requirements and can be much higher.

4 Examples of PPC LinkedIn Advertising

Check out the 5 examples of PPC LinkedIn advertising – each of them showcases a different ad format that aligns with a different goal and represents a specific approach. Learn more about LinkedIn ad types and discover how various businesses make their ads successful.

1. Image Ad

The first example showcases a classical LinkedIn image ad. It includes a captivating image with a convincing social proof element (testimonials from a person who benefited from the offering), a concise and persuasive copy, and a clear call to action. This ad format effectively delivers a strong visual message and encourages users to click through to learn more.

Once the user clicks the ad, it directs them to a well-designed landing page that provides more details on the promoted offer. This landing page is a part of the PMI homepage, but it focuses on a single goal – encouraging visitors to sign up and apply for certification. The hero section includes a compelling headline, a relevant background picture, and a clear CTA button. It has an explanation section and a how-it-works section. The page provides clear pricing information and displays an incentive – a discount for PMI members.

Choose a template and craft a PPC landing page for your LinkedIn campaign with Landingi!

The success of this campaign lies in effective ad copy and landing page relevance. The consistency guides potential applicants seamlessly from the ad through the landing page content to the final conversion point – a strong CTA button displayed in strategic landing page placements.

Find people you know will get involved – use advanced LinkedIn targeting options and engage your audiences with a well-optimized landing page. Choose the Designer Webinar & Countdown template from Landingi and ensure your PPC campaign brings high ROI thanks to a high-converting ad-relevant page.

LinkedIn PPC landing page template

2. Video Ad

The second example illustrates a LinkedIn video ad. This dynamic format offers a powerful medium to convey complex messages and engage the target audience on a deeper level. By incorporating compelling visuals, audio, and storytelling elements, video ads can effectively capture attention and drive user engagement. This format is particularly effective in showcasing product demonstrations, customer testimonials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into the company culture.

As you can see from the example above, the ad contains concise, attractive content, introducing the offer. The video is simple but engaging. It displays questions that highlight the needs and pain points of the target audience and a simple answer, which is the promoted offer. Below the video, there is a CTA button directing users to a dedicated page. All these elements make this ad successful – it catches LinkedIn users’ attention immediately with a video, makes them want to watch it till the end to find the answer, and encourages them to learn more about the offer.

3. Carousel Ad

The third example is a LinkedIn carousel ad. This interactive format allows advertisers to showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad unit, providing an opportunity to tell a compelling story or highlight various product features. By enabling users to swipe through different creative elements, carousel ads encourage deeper engagement and offer a more comprehensive brand experience.

The exemplary carousel ad above includes an attractive copy containing call-to-action elements and a couple of tiles with high-quality images. In this case, each tile shows the same product – a car – but from a different perspective, allowing users to see all the details by swiping tiles. This makes it an engaging, interactive multimedia form. Each tile includes a CTA button, encouraging LinkedIn users to submit a contact form. These ads can also show various products or illustrate the offer with engaging infographics. The power of carousel ads lies in their interactivity and capability to use multiple visuals, which attracts potential customers for longer than just a second.

4. Dynamic Ad – Spotlight Ad

The fourth example is a LinkedIn dynamic ad, specifically a spotlight ad. This ad format leverages LinkedIn’s data-driven capabilities to deliver highly personalized and relevant content to users. Spotlight ads appear in the sidebar, offering a concise yet impactful message. By dynamically tailoring the ad content to individual user profiles, advertisers can enhance engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions. This format is particularly effective for driving brand awareness and lead-generation campaigns.

The example shows that spotlight ads are text-focused, compact advertisements that offer a brief overview of a product, service, or company. They can display different content based on the user’s profile and behavior, but they most likely include a brand logo and a clear and compelling call to action encouraging user engagement.

Can PPC Be Used on LinkedIn?

Yes, PPC can be used on LinkedIn, providing businesses with an effective way to reach a professional audience. LinkedIn’s PPC advertising leverages a pay-per-click system where you pay each time users click on your ad. LinkedIn Campaign Manager allows you to set budgets and optimize bids to achieve specific marketing objectives such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads. You can create various ad formats and use LinkedIn’s advanced targeting features to reach specific demographics, industries, and job titles.

The platform provides detailed analytics, enabling you to track performance metrics for continuous optimization to improve return on investment (ROI) and ensure that ads reach the most relevant and engaged audience. Overall, LinkedIn’s PPC advertising is a valuable tool for businesses aiming to connect with a professional audience in a strategic and measurable way.

Optimize your LinkedIn PPC campaigns with Landingi and maximize your ROI!

What Is the Difference Between LinkedIn Ads and PPC?

The main difference between LinkedIn Ads and PPC is that LinkedIn Ads is a specific advertising platform offered by LinkedIn to target its professional user base, whereas PPC (PayPerClick) is a broader online advertising model used across various platforms. LinkedIn Ads provide a range of ad formats, such as Sponsored Content, Text Ads, Sponsored Messaging, and Dynamic Ads, specifically tailored for reaching professionals and businesses. These ads leverage LinkedIn’s rich targeting capabilities, allowing advertisers to reach users based on criteria like job title, industry, and company size, making it particularly effective for B2B marketing and professional services.

In contrast, PPC is a general model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad. This model is used by numerous online platforms, including Google Ads, Meta Ads, X Ads, and also LinkedIn Ads. PPC campaigns can be designed for various objectives, such as driving website traffic, generating leads, or increasing brand awareness, and they typically involve bidding on keywords or audience segments to achieve these goals. While LinkedIn Ads uses a PPC pricing model, PPC itself is not limited to LinkedIn and encompasses many digital advertising channels.

Which Is better, PPC or LinkedIn Ads?

PPC ads are better for targeting a broad consumer audience and focusing on B2C marketing, while LinkedIn Ads are better for reaching professionals and decision-makers within specific industries. Determining whether PPC or LinkedIn Ads are better depends on your specific marketing goals, target audience, and the type of products or services you offer. LinkedIn Ads are likely the better choice for B2B marketing due to their precise targeting capabilities and professional context. PPC may offer more reach and flexibility across platforms like Google or Facebook, but they can be less effective in reaching business audiences.

A short comparison below can help you decide which option might be more suitable for your needs:

PPC (General) advantages

  • Broad reach – PPC advertising is available on multiple platforms, allowing you to reach a wide and diverse audience.
  • Variety of ad formats – you can use search ads, display ads, video ads, and social media ads, tailoring your approach to suit different audience preferences and behaviors.
  • Flexible targeting – PPC offers advanced targeting options, including keywords, demographics, interests, and behaviors, enabling you to target specific audience segments.
  • Cost control – with PPC, you can set daily or total budgets and adjust bids based on performance, giving you control over your advertising spend.

PPC is generally more effective for B2C campaigns targeting consumers, allowing for a wider reach across various consumer platforms. Depending on the industry and keywords, PPC can be competitive and expensive, requiring careful budget management and optimization.

LinkedIn Ads advantages

  • Professional audience – LinkedIn Ads are specifically designed to target professionals, businesses, and decision-makers, making them ideal for B2B marketing.
  • Advanced targeting options – you can target users based on job title, industry, company size, skills, and more, allowing for precise targeting of relevant business audiences.
  • High-quality leads – LinkedIn’s professional nature often leads to higher-quality leads, especially for industries such as technology, finance, and professional services.
  • Brand positioning – LinkedIn Ads help position your brand as an industry leader by reaching a professional audience with relevant content.

LinkedIn Ads can be more expensive than other PPC platforms, especially when targeting highly competitive industries or specific job titles. Another consideration refers to LinkedIn’s audience, which is smaller and more niche compared to platforms like Google or Facebook. This might limit the reach of some campaigns.

What Is the Best PPC LinkedIn Tool for Landing Pages?

The best PPC LinkedIn tool for landing pages is Landingi, a platform offering features that help create effective PPC landing pages, test their various versions, track their performance, and optimize them for the best results. Landingi provides over 400 fully customizable templates for various campaign goals designed by professionals to maximize their conversion potential. Choosing one of them is a perfect starting point for creating a well-performing page for a LinkedIn advertising campaign.

Master LinkedIn PPC strategies! Get the tools and insights you need with Landingi now.

In a user-friendly editor you can find AI landing page features, enabling you to generate high-quality content for the entire landing page (or its selected sections). This option ensures your page remains ad-relevant and engaging yet focused on a single goal. Among AI-powered options, you can also find image background remover and SEO improvement tools, thanks to which the page will be attractive for both users and search engine algorithms, which can significantly improve your page quality.

With Landingi, you can craft multi-language pages within minutes – the platform supports 29 languages, allowing you to reach various audiences worldwide. As for PPC purposes, Landingi offers an A/B testing tool, thanks to which you can experiment with various headlines, visuals, forms, and CTA buttons, discovering the best-performing elements. EventTracker, a built-in landing page tracking tool, gathers data on events and user behavior, making performance analysis easier and more efficient. These elements help in conversion optimization, which is the main factor affecting your campaign ROI.

Landingi supports paid campaign optimization and offers over 180 integrations, making it one of the best PPC tools for marketers. This platform is not just a simple page builder but a comprehensive tool for enhancing every digital marketing campaign to achieve the most with minimal effort.

Empower Your LinkedIn Advertising Campaign with Landingi

LinkedIn PPC advertising offers businesses a powerful platform to connect with a professional audience. By understanding the intricacies of different ad formats, implementing best practices, and leveraging data-driven insights, marketers can create impactful campaigns that drive tangible results.

Remember, success in LinkedIn advertising hinges on a combination of strategic planning, creative execution, and ongoing optimization. By consistently monitoring performance metrics and making data-driven adjustments, you can maximize your ROI and achieve your campaign objectives. If it seems complex, let professional tools do the work – try Landingi now and turn your PPC landing page into a powerful campaign element that directly increases ROI.

Martyna Targosz

Martyna Targosz

Content Writer

Martyna Targosz est une experte en contenu marketing avec plus de 3 ans d'expérience en marketing numérique. Elle est spécialisée dans la création de landing pages et l'optimisation des conversions. Elle est actuellement encadrée par Błażej Abel, PDG de Landingi, une entreprise leader dans la technologie des landing pages.
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