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Home Blog How to increase conversion on landing pages using videos – six ideas

How to increase conversion on landing pages using videos – six ideas


Maybe the most important thing for you to keep in mind while creating marketing videos for your landing pages is that there’s no one “magic bullet” format that will generate the increased conversions you need, In fact, there are six of them that you should be paying close attention to – all of which bring their own unique benefits that strengthen and empower your landing pages in different-but-invaluable ways.

Customer Testimonial Videos

Whether you’re talking about a product or a service, one of the goals with your landing page is to be as emotional as possible. You’re attempting to take someone who maybe only tangentially familiar with your offer and get them excited enough to make a purchase. One of the best ways to do that is through customer testimonial videos – something that allows you to prove that you can both “talk the talk” and “walk the walk,” in a manner of speaking.

Customer testimonial videos are all about encouraging one of your existing, happy customers to tell their stories in their own words. Let them talk about the value they got out of their purchase, and what it meant to them. When potential customers see the joy on someone else’s face as they talk about a purchase they’ve made, sooner or later they’re going to want that for themselves, too. Here’s a great example of a video testimonial from Uscreen, a leading all-in-one platform for video monetization.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are also a great addition to any landing page because they allow you to inform your customers about what they can expect in exchange for their hard-earned money. You could devote a five-minute video not just to what your product does, but what it can do for your customers.

Inform them how to get the most out of their purchase and show (don’t tell) them the raw value they’re going to receive as a result. This gives you an opportunity to dive beneath reams of boring technical specification data to get to the heart of what you’re trying to do in a genuine, organic and authoritative way. Here’s an example of this type of video content from Hootsuite.

Product Tours

Product tours are a great way to boost conversions on your landing pages because they again provide a high-level overview of exactly what you have to offer. These should be long enough to fully explain the benefits of your product (not necessarily its features), but also short enough to keep the viewers’ attention through the entire video. So try to keep these around two or so minutes if you can.

Product tours are great for boosting conversions because they bring equal parts of empathy and relatability with them. They’re professional without being overly “stuffy” and they’re the perfect way to illustrate what you’re eager to do for your customers.

In this product tour video, Basecamp shows off their product in a friendly, and easy-to-watch way.

“Meet the Team” Videos

These days, people aren’t just buying products – they’re also buying into the brands behind those products. People want to know that they’re giving their money to a team of people that shares the same values and cares about the same things.

“Meet the Team” videos are a perfect chance to showcase all of this by giving people a look at the friendly faces behind those products and services. Again, you’ll want to keep these short – no more than three minutes – for maximum impact. Show that you and your team members work hard on bringing your product to life and suddenly people will have something more to latch onto than just what your product can do. Check out this amazing example from Eventbrite.

Announcement Videos

Announcement videos are a perfect way to drum up anticipation for a product launch before that big day actually arrives on the calendar. Try to keep these to a solid minute (or two at maximum) in length. The key is to tease your impending product launch without giving every last bit of information away – that’s what the rest of your campaign is going to be for.

A quality announcement video will not only get people excited for a product that will soon be released – it’ll also help to continue building that anticipation ahead of that fateful day. At that point, people will be eagerly awaiting their opportunity to get their hands on something special – and they’ll be far more excited than if you’d launched the product with little fanfare.

Here’s a great example of announcement videos from Buffer. In this 25 seconds long video, Buffer shows everything you need to know about their new direct video and photo scheduling feature.

Animated Videos

Finally, we have animated videos – once again, a great way to take complicated topics and present them in a way that anybody can understand, but with a unique visual twist along the way.

An animated video could be great to provide a quick overview of the history of your company, for example. You could take people on a two-minute journey that discusses your founding, all the hard work you’re doing, and why you wanted to get into business in the first place.

The key is that animated videos are naturally engaging because they’re so visually different from live-action content, and they once again give your viewers something to connect with what goes beyond your products and services. At that point, they’re starting to buy into your brand as a concept – and that’s exactly how you build loyalty in a way that doesn’t just boost conversions, but that starts to create a legion of happy, repeat customers as well. Here’s a great example of an animated video from Sizmek.

Best Practices for Landing Page Videos That Boost Conversions

Once you’ve created a steady stream of over-the-top (OTT) video content for your landing page, your next task becomes making sure that you’re using them in the most effective way possible. Even the most objectively high-quality marketing videos ultimately won’t be able to generate the results that you’re after if you don’t build your landing pages from the ground up with that content in mind.

Thankfully, there are a few easy best practices that you can follow to help accomplish precisely that. These include:

Keep Your CTA Visible at All Times

If you want someone to take your desired action, you need to make it as easy as humanly possible. Not only should your call to action be very simple and easy to understand, but it also needs to be visible – meaning that people need to be aware that it exists as early on in their experience as possible.

For the best results, at the very least make sure that your CTA is visible “above the fold” – meaning that people don’t have to go look for it because it’s right there on the page. If you have a longer landing page with multiple videos, include a few identical CTAs in strategic locations so that it is always at the top of a visitor’s mind.

Similarly, make sure that your video also has a strong and clear CTA, that entices viewers to take the next step.

Design Your Landing Page Around Your Video

Along the same lines, don’t design your landing page and then include your video content as an afterthought. You need to make each video an organic part of the experience you’re trying to create on behalf of your visitors.

Even when you’re writing the text for your landing page, consider ways that you can “transition” people into the experience of watching whatever video you’ve included. Make your video feel like it’s a natural, organic part of your page’s design and you’ll end up with something far more satisfying (and more likely to convert) overall.

Caption Your Videos

Never, ever forget that the vast majority of people who are going to watch your videos are going to do so on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. A lot of people watch video content during their morning commute, for example. If you’re riding a train and you didn’t bring your headphones, you’re probably not going to be playing that content at full volume.

That’s okay – because, in addition to designing a video that can be understood without sound, to begin with, you should also caption all of your video content to help take advantage of this fact. Captions make sure that someone’s experience isn’t interrupted just because they can’t “hear” the marketing message the video contains. If they can see it, that’s perfectly fine – and in some ways can be even more effective.

If you don’t caption your videos and someone can’t understand your content after a few seconds, they’re probably going to hit the “back” button in their browser and never return. Don’t give them an opportunity to go somewhere else to find the information they need and they won’t be able to take it.

Create Marketing Videos With the Right Length in Mind

“How long should marketing videos be?” is the age-old question that, unfortunately, doesn’t necessarily have an easy answer. Generally speaking, your videos should be “exactly as long as they need to be” and not a second longer. This will, of course, be dictated by the format you’re using and what, specifically, you’re trying to say.

Customer testimonial videos, for example, can get away with being one or two minutes in length because you’re giving someone a chance to share their own experience in an emotional way. An explainer video might be a little longer, depending on the complicated nature of the topic you’re actually explaining. In that case, your video might be three to five minutes or more – just so long as it isn’t “boring.”

Wrapping this up…

Overall, one of the most important things for you to remember is that marketing videos for businesses are only going to get more essential to your long-term success as time goes on. This video on demand explosion that we’re currently experiencing isn’t actually a trend at all – it’s a full-blown revolution that is still in its early stages.

As for marketers, it’s also a powerful opportunity just waiting to be taken advantage of so long as you’re able to create the right marketing videos with the right message at exactly the right time. Including as much of this high-value content as possible on your landing pages isn’t just a great way to shed more light on your products and services than ever…

Sylwester Karnuszewicz

Content Specialist

Sylwester Karnuszewicz is a marketing content expert with over 4 years of experience in digital marketing and landing page creation.
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