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Home Blog Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Case Studies: 5 Best Examples

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Case Studies: 5 Best Examples

Conversion rate optimization case studies are practical reports illustrating how optimization techniques transform visitor behavior into measurable business results. They bring recognition to the companies that conducted the optimization while serving as invaluable knowledge sources for marketers and anyone facing similar challenges in the near future. Explore 5 intriguing case studies for landing pages, homepages, websites, app stores, and e-commerce stores.
Last updated:
August 30, 2024
conversion rate optimization case studies with best examples

CRO case studies showcase successful optimization strategies implemented based on data-driven analyses. They provide a solid grasp of knowledge for digital marketers complaining about insufficient traffic, low user engagement, lack of quality leads, and, therefore, poor conversion rates. Did you know that a sole mobile optimization, being only one conversion rate optimization element, can improve conversion rates by 27%, as reported by Invesp?

Although companies currently allocate just $1 to optimizing conversion rates for every $92 spent on acquiring customers, this is shifting rapidly. Based on Google Trends data, Matomo indicates that CRO is one of the fastest-growing topics.

In this article, we present 5 most insightful conversion rate optimization case studies across different digital marketing channels to drive inspiration for your future optimization strategies and interventions.

Key Takeaways:

  • conversion rate optimization examples described in case studies are mines of knowledge for marketers trying to boost conversion rates,
  • an extensive conversion optimization report is able to provide valuable insights into what works in real-world scenarios, which helps marketers understand successful strategies and apply these lessons in their own activities,
  • CRO emphasizes data-driven decision-making by analyzing visitor behavior to ensure that changes made are statistically significant and directly impact conversion rates,
  • by learning from conversion optimization case studies, marketers can avoid common pitfalls and make more confident decisions that are likely to convert visitors into potential customers.

Let’s get into it!

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Case Study?

A conversion rate optimization (CRO) case study is an in-depth analysis that examines how specific strategies and techniques were applied to improve the conversion rate on a website or landing page. They explore the steps taken to enhance user experience, messaging, design, and other elements that impact conversion, providing a detailed account of the challenges faced, the actions implemented, and the resulting outcomes.

The most comprehensive digital marketing case study (also CRO case studies) includes several key elements that detail the process, strategies, and outcomes of a marketing campaign. These elements are crucial for providing a versatile analysis and insight into the effectiveness of the campaign. Here is the full list.

  1. Introduction: Overview of the company, industry, and the specific challenges they were facing before the campaign began.
  2. Objectives/Goals: Clearly defined goals the company aimed to achieve through the digital marketing campaign, such as increasing website traffic, boosting sales, or improving brand awareness.
  3. Target Audience: Description of the intended audience, including demographics, interests, and online behavior.
  4. Strategy: Detailed explanation of the digital marketing strategies implemented, such as SEO, PPC, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and more.
  5. Tactics: Specific actions taken within each strategy, such as keyword optimization, ad placements, social media content creation, or email campaigns.
  6. Implementation: Timeline and steps followed to execute the strategy, including tools and platforms used.
  7. Results: Quantitative data showing the outcomes, such as increased traffic, improved conversion rates, higher sales, or better ROI. This section often includes charts or graphs for clarity.
  8. Analysis: In-depth examination of the results, explaining why certain tactics worked or didn’t work, and the lessons learned from the campaign.
  9. Conclusion: Summary of the overall success of the campaign, key takeaways, and recommendations for future strategies.
  10. Client Testimonial: Feedback from the client on the effectiveness of the campaign and the impact on their business.

Of course, sometimes case studies lack a few of the above-mentioned elements, especially customer testimonials or distinguishing strategies and tactics, but generally, the content and structure are similar (even if the order of individual parts is different from the one presented).

CRO case studies are valuable across various use cases. Companies can utilize them for benchmarking, allowing them to compare their own conversion metrics against industry best practices. They are also essential for strategy development, providing marketers with insights and inspiration to craft or refine their optimization plans. When businesses face specific conversion challenges, case studies offer problem-solving solutions by illustrating how similar issues were successfully addressed. Finally, CRO case studies serve as excellent training and educational tools, helping teams learn and implement effective optimization techniques based on real-world examples.

In digital marketing, most valuable benefits related to exploring case studies include:

  • practical insights: CRO case studies provide actionable insights backed by real-world data, helping you understand what works and why;
  • risk reduction: learning from others’ successes and failures allows to avoid common pitfalls and implement proven strategies;
  • inspiration for experimentation: CRO case studies often highlight innovative approaches that can drive inspiration for experimenting with different conversion strategies;
  • data-driven decision making: by analyzing detailed outcomes, you can make more informed, data-driven decisions when optimizing your own website or landing page.

Finally, it’s good to know that case studies (CRO case studies, too) also serve marketing purposes. Success stories build credibility for companies that implemented strategies and actions, which finally increased conversions.

5 Best Conversion Rate Optimization Examples

Let’s now jump into practice and explore a few real case studies that resulted in increased conversions. We’ll demonstrate successful CRO strategies implemented for different digital channels, from landing pages, through homepages, classical websites, and app stores to e-commerce sites.

1. Going (Landing Page CRO)

Going is a company that delivers extra deals from its partners to people planning travel. To refine its landing page conversion strategies, they undertook an A/B testing initiative with CTA copy triggered as a potential game-changer.


The primary goal of this experiment was to determine whether a small change in the call-to-action (CTA) on Going’s homepage could lead to an increase in the number of users starting a free trial of their premium plan. The test aimed to validate the hypothesis that showcasing the full value of the premium offering would encourage more users to convert from free to paid memberships.

Challenges to Tackle

Despite having a solid business model, Going faced the challenge of converting free users into paying customers. The existing strategy relied on users signing up for a limited free plan, with the hope that they would later upgrade to a premium version. However, this approach did not fully showcase the advantages of the premium service, potentially limiting its appeal.


To address this challenge, Going’s team conducted a simple A/B test. They tested two variations of the CTA on their homepage:

  • Variation A: “Sign up for free” (existing CTA)
  • Variation B: “Trial for free” (new CTA)

The only difference between the two versions was the CTA wording, with the intention of determining whether offering a free trial of the premium plan would result in higher conversion rates.


The results of the A/B test were substantial, demonstrating the impact of even minor changes in marketing strategy:

  • 104% increase in trial start rate month-over-month,
  • conversion rate through paid channels surpassed that of organic channels for the first time,
  • enhanced ability to allocate media spend effectively due to improved conversion rates

Lessons learned

A/B testing can be a powerful instrument for increasing conversions on landing pages. If you already have a hypothesis of what element on your page requires improvement, A/B tests allow you to check on real audience which changes are the most effective. Sometimes, even minor tweaks with minimal effort on your end can provide a substantial rise in the number of leads and conversions.

2. Archive Social (Homepage CRO)

ArchiveSocial, a company specializing in social media archiving solutions, embarked on a strategic conversion rate optimization (CRO) journey to enhance user engagement and drive higher conversions through their homepage and ‘Request Demo’ page.


The primary objective for ArchiveSocial was to improve two critical performance indicators: lead generation and conversions. The focus was on refining the user experience across key pages, particularly the homepage and pricing page, to increase visitor engagement and guide them towards taking desired actions.

Challenges to Tackle

The analysis revealed several areas for improvement that were hindering the user experience:

  • low visibility of CTA on the homepage: the email form wasn’t standing out, blending in with the rest of the content and failing to attract attention;
  • complexity of pricing options: the pricing page was cluttered, making it difficult for visitors to make quick and informed decisions about which plan to choose;
  • underutilized resources section: the ‘Resources’ section was not easily accessible, limiting its potential to engage visitors further along their journey.


To address these challenges, the company implemented a series of targeted A/B tests aimed at enhancing the user experience and increasing conversion rates:

  1. Testing homepage CTA improvements
    The first test focused on increasing the visibility of the primary form field and call-to-action (CTA) on the homepage. The CTA button was redesigned with a distinct color and repositioned within the first fold of the page. Scrollmaps were utilized to monitor how these changes affected user interaction.
  2. Testing pricing page tweaks
    In the second test, the emphasis was on improving the click-through rate across the pricing plans. This was achieved by simplifying the plan options and highlighting the primary CTA, making it easier for visitors to navigate towards the ‘Thank You’ page.
  3. Testing enhancements for “Resources” section
    The third test explored the hypothesis that placing the ‘Resources’ section in the top navigation bar would boost engagement. This change aimed to create a more intuitive and seamless visitor flow towards valuable content that could assist in their decision-making process.


The systematic approach to CRO testing led to impressive results for ArchiveSocial:

  • 101.68% increase in click-through rate,
  • enhanced visibility and engagement with the primary CTA on the homepage,
  • simplified pricing page resulting in smoother navigation and informed decision-making,
  • improved access to the ‘Resources’ section, boosting visitor interaction,

Lessons learned

Many optimization success stories prove that the most remarkable results are achieved with a combination of changes applied in one or several stages. Additionally, it’s noteworthy that while many marketers know that fewer form fields and shorter forms increase conversions, it’s even more important to make the form visible (just like CTA should be). Below you can compare Social Archive’s homepage after (version A) and before (version B) the form and CTA optimization.

3. Walmart Canada (Website CRO)

Walmart Canada embarked on a responsive redesign of their website, focusing on improving the user experience across all devices. Despite the challenges, their efforts led to a significant boost in conversions, particularly on mobile.


The primary goal was to create a fully responsive site that catered to all screen sizes, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the user experience, especially on mobile devices. The previous design looked aged and was inadequate for the youngest generation of clients.

Challenges to Tackle

The main challenges included an outdated mobile experience with poor aesthetics and slow loading times. Additionally, the existing design didn’t effectively accommodate the growing number of mobile users.


Walmart Canada conducted extensive usability testing on both old and new designs. They implemented A/B testing to optimize various elements and focused heavily on improving site speed. By streamlining the interface and removing non-essential buttons, they enhanced the overall user experience.


Here is what they achieved:

  • 20% increase in overall conversions across all devices,
  • 98% increase in mobile orders,
  • simplification, such as removing the “View Details” button for unavailable products, significantly boosted conversions.

Lessons Learned

This case illustrates the profound impact that a well-executed responsive redesign can have on conversion rates, proving that even small adjustments can yield substantial results. It also clearly shows that mobile optimization is a must for businesses aiming at young visitors as a target audience. Below, you can see the current version of the Canadian Walmart’s homepage, which is fully responsive (mobile view on the right).

4. Ampere: Business Mobile Bank (App Store Optimization)

Ampere Business Bank is an innovative online banking platform designed specifically for businesses, providing a seamless way to manage multi-currency accounts, send and receive international payments, and access favorable currency exchange rates. Despite its comprehensive features and user-friendly approach, Ampere faced significant challenges in carving out a niche in a highly competitive market filled with well-established banking apps.


The primary goal of the promotional strategy was to expand its geographical reach, enhance app visibility, and increase the number of installations. Achieving these goals required a focused approach to App Store Optimization (ASO) to improve the app’s presence and attract a broader audience in an already saturated market.

Challenges to Tackle

Ampere Business Bank entered the App Store in September 2022. Gaining user trust and competing against nearly a hundred established banking apps was a significant hurdle, particularly within the financial sector, where credibility and reliability are paramount.


To address these challenges, the team employed a multi-step strategy leveraging the capabilities of RadASO Tech Boosted Solution, a proprietary automation tool that provides critical insights into competitors, search terms, and app positioning:

  • Competitor identification and analysis: The team first identified apps with similar functionalities to Ampere Business Bank, focusing on those that posed the most direct competition. This analysis revealed key insights into competitor strategies, including preferred countries for promotion and markets with the highest installation rates.
  • Localization strategy development: Recognizing the importance of localization in app visibility, the team set priorities based on countries where competitors had a significant number of installations. They expanded the app’s language offerings to include multiple locales, such as English (Canada), French (Canada), German, and Spanish (Spain), among others. This strategic localization allowed Ampere to resonate with a broader audience and improve its ranking in diverse markets.
  • Semantic core collection: Utilizing the RadASO Tech Boosted Solution, the team rapidly compiled a comprehensive semantic core that included relevant search terms used by competitors, titles, subtitles, and search suggestions from the App Store. This approach ensured a more targeted use of keywords, replacing irrelevant terms that previously hampered the app’s search results.
  • Metadata optimization for multiple locales: With the help of the Metadata Wizard, another tool within RadASO Tech Boost Solution, the team prepared optimized metadata tailored to each prioritized locale. They employed cross-locale techniques to ensure that metadata was effective across multiple regions within the same country, such as English and French in Canada or Spanish and Catalan in Spain. Key parameters, including Search Ads Popularity (SAP), app positioning, and competitor analysis, guided the prioritization of search terms to maximize visibility.


This optimization case resulted in incredible surges in conversion stats:

  • number of won positions in the top 3 of App Store search results surged over 20% (the same, besides, went for positions 4-10),
  • after a few weeks, app visibility increased for several countries over ten times (e.g., Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Pakistan),
  • the number of installations increased over three times on average (for some countries there was over 10x increases),
  • after 30 days, the number of downloads (which is the most significant conversion for the Ampere increased by over 100% (for Italy, it was over 200%, and for Canada, over 400%).

Lessons Learned

For IT firms and SaaS companies, software and customer satisfaction, as well as brand recognition, are three precious items that should be handled with utmost care. You may have the best product on the market, but if it is invisible or doesn’t satisfy users for some reason (e.g., too high price, poor support, unstable infrastructure), other businesses will outperform you with ease. Thus, it’s of great importance to constantly monitor and refine how it is marketed, promoted, and sold. Based on data and professional expertise, not your private impressions, which may be biased and/or misleading. Here is what the Ampere app store site looks like currently:

5. daFlores (E-commerce CRO)

In the highly competitive online floral industry, optimizing an online store or ecommerce conversion rate can have a significant impact on sales and overall business performance. Conversion Rate Experts, a renowned CRO agency was hired by daFlores, a leading online flower delivery service, to enhance their store’s user experience and increase conversions.


The primary goal of the project was to increase daFlores’ conversion rate by identifying and addressing key barriers in the user journey. The focus was on providing brand’s credibility through utilizing social proof, and making website more user-friendly, improving customer engagement, and ultimately driving more sales.

Challenges to Tackle

daFlores faced several challenges in optimizing its eCommerce site, particularly given the multilingual and international nature of its audience:

  • Diverse customer base: The site needed to cater to visitors from multiple countries, speaking different languages, each with their own specific needs and objections.
  • Unclear delivery information: Many visitors were unsure about delivery times, which led to hesitation and order abandonment, especially for urgent orders.
  • Credibility issues: Some new visitors were unfamiliar with daFlores and were hesitant to trust the service, which impacted conversion rates.
  • Technical complexity of changes: Implementing changes on an eCommerce platform can require significant technical resources, so changes had to be carefully selected based on their likelihood of success.


To tackle these challenges, Conversion Rate Experts conducted extensive user research and implemented specific tests to address identified objections:

  1. Objection Collection and Analysis
    The team started by identifying visitor objections using multiple research methods. These included surveys, live chat transcript analysis, customer support feedback, and session recordings. By analyzing this data, they pinpointed key concerns, such as uncertainty about delivery times and trust issues, which were preventing conversions.
  2. Urgency Enhancement: Adding a Countdown Clock
    To address concerns about delivery times, the team introduced a countdown clock on category pages with the message: “Order in the next n hours for delivery today.” This small addition not only informed customers about same-day delivery but also created a sense of urgency, encouraging them to place their orders immediately.
  3. Building Credibility with Social Proof
    To enhance trust, a static image highlighting daFlores’ 600,000+ Facebook followers was added to the header. This simple proof element conveyed popularity and customer satisfaction, reassuring visitors of the company’s credibility.
  4. A/B Testing for Validation
    All changes were rigorously tested using A/B testing methods to ensure they positively impacted conversion rates. Split-testing tools like Visual Website Optimizer were employed to compare the performance of the original site with the modified versions, validating the effectiveness of each change.


The implementation of these targeted strategies led to substantial improvements in daFlores’ conversion rates:

  • 27% increase in orders due to the urgency created by the countdown clock
  • 44% uplift in sales by adding the Facebook “Likes” image, which boosted credibility and trust
  • Enhanced user experience by directly addressing customer objections uncovered through research
  • Increased engagement and reduced bounce rates on key landing pages

Lessons Learned

The daFlores case study offers many valuable lessons on the importance of user research and targeted CRO strategies, but three seem to be the most essential:

  • First, gaining insights through comprehensive user research is essential. By understanding the unique objections and concerns of your audience, you can craft targeted solutions that directly address their needs. Utilize a range of research methods, such as surveys, live chat analysis, and session recordings, to uncover hidden barriers to conversion.
  • Second, it’s crucial to validate all changes with A/B testing to ensure statistical significance. This data-driven approach allows you to determine which adjustments genuinely impact conversion rates, preventing wasted effort on ineffective strategies. Small changes, such as adding urgency elements like countdown timers or leveraging social proof, can make a significant difference when backed by solid data.
  • Lastly, remember that CRO is not just about tweaking visuals or copy – it’s about increasing revenue by enhancing the entire user journey. Prioritize changes that simplify the purchasing process, build trust, and make the experience more intuitive. Adopting a diagnosis-and-prescription approach, rather than relying on generic tactics, will help you achieve meaningful, long-term results in your optimization efforts.


As you see, a typical conversion rate optimization case study is all about improving digital marketing strategies, tactics, and tools for better business or overall marketing outcomes. The educational part is done, now it’s time to apply your knowledge in practice. Draw inspiration from the strategies outlined in the analyzed conversion rate optimization case studies and reflect on how applying them could benefit your business.

Landingi is a perfect tool to be your first touchpoint with a practical CRO. It is equipped not only with a super-simple yet very versatile landing page builder requiring no coding skills but also a bunch of optimization tools for various purposes. Let’s mention the most popular ones:

  • A/B testing enables you to experiment with different design elements to see which performs better. For example, you can present two variants of your landing page (usually, they are very similar, yet with one significant difference, e.g. in headline or CTA content, number of fields in the form, etc.) to users for two weeks to see which one is more effective in lead generation.
  • EventTracker allows you to track how your site visitors behave, where they click (and how often), to what point they scroll, which elements (forms, videos, images, CTAs, etc.) engage them most, and so on. This provides a solid data foundation for your future design decisions, hopefully boosting conversions.
  • AI package gives you a set of tools for streamlining content creation or recreation – from generating copy for your pages to completing SEO parameters and simple image editing. This way, you can deliver more targeted content with minimal effort and ultimately much quicker, which can result in more traffic, more leads, and, as a result, more sales.
  • Translations arm you with capabilities for generating content in various languages quickly. This way, you can instantly create whole pages in different languages to expand to new markets or audiences or even go global.

With these solutions, you can easily increase landing page conversions and the conversion rates of your entire online marketing campaigns involving landing pages.

And to top it all off, Landingi currently offers a free plan or 14-day trials for paid plans, which is perfect also for learning to build landing pages and optimize them for higher conversion rates. See more details on our pricing page. Good luck!

Marcin Hylewski

Marcin Hylewski

Content Writer

Marcin Hylewski is a marketing content expert with over 5 years of expertise in content creation and has been involved in digital marketing for over a year. He writes about creating landing pages and optimizing their conversion rates. Currently, he is under the mentorship of Błażej Abel, the CEO of Landingi, a front-runner in landing page solutions.
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