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Home Blog 3 Pillars of a Black Friday Deal

3 Pillars of a Black Friday Deal

There are three things you should bear in mind while preparing for Black Friday – the tools, the campaign and the offer. Sounds simple, but the snag lies in details. Read on to avoid common mistakes.

Marketers and entrepreneurs worldwide know well how important Black Friday is for their businesses. The last days of November are a true test for all of us, and before each test, there should be plenty of time for preparations. Especially when there’s more than one exam – after all, Cyber Monday comes in one package with Black Friday. Get to know the website builder for Black Friday landing pages along with a few other tools, see some examples from past Black Fridays and get inspired.

See how you can utilize our knowledge based on experience and past Black Friday campaigns, for your own BFCM campaigns this and every coming year. Learn how to prepare an attractive offer and a successful campaign with useful tools.

Black Friday=Cyber Monday?

Though the meme reflects what some people think, of course it’s not the whole truth – there are still tons of deals available in brick-and-mortar stores only, as well as offers available exclusively online. Back in 2005, when Cyber Monday just started (hard to believe that there were times when online retailers had to convince people to buy online instead of visiting stores), Black Friday had all the attention.

Of course, people still buy on Black Friday in an old fashioned way, but year after year, we spend more money online on such occasions. No wonder some of the customers can hardly distinguish one from the other. This is why someone wise came up with the BFCM term – an acronym for Black Friday Cyber Monday, counting also the days in between, as sales are often valid for four days (some last even longer, calling it a Black Week).

See how our Black Friday became golden a few years back – read Landingi’s case study!

Make your sections smartable and let go of mundane manual tasks with Smart Sections! An easy way to manage bulk changes.

Three pillars of a Black Friday deal that will exceed your customers’ expectations

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. You’re browsing through the web, looking for a special offer on that laptop/jacket/garden hose/whatever you’ve wanted to buy for a couple of months. After doing some research, you’ve finally found the best offer out there… There it is! 10% off!


A disappointing offer is the worst that could happen to your potential client on Black Friday weekend. Having the best social media, engaging emails and a beautifully designed Black Friday landing page means next to nothing if the offer can’t keep up with the rest:

Tools for engaging BFCM deal

Running a marketing campaign without decent tools is possible, but tough and ineffective. We live in the age of integration and information. That’s why we use the newest and most advanced applications, and we spread the word to let people know about our offers.

What are the most promising tools and techniques that can crank up the engine of your marketing campaign? Let’s find out.

1. Landingi – for landing pages and gathering leads beforehand

If it comes to collecting leads, landing pages are among the best options available. There are tons of stats that clearly show how landing pages help companies in lead generation. The one repeated most often says that companies with 10-15 landing pages generate 55% more leads than companies with 1-10 landing pages. And why is that? Because creating more landing pages is almost effortless, if you already have some, and helps diversifying your marketing message.

Landing pages are also a great way to pique user interest before launching the actual campaign. You can do it in numerous ways. For example: create a landing page with a glimpse of an upcoming offer. Say a few words about it, include a countdown timer to let people know how much time is left, and add a lead-generating form with a promise (for example: sign up before the countdown ends to get an additional discount or access to the offer before anyone else). We’ve tried such approach with one of our previous Black Friday campaigns and it turned out great.

black fridy coming soon page

A simple landing page launched six weeks before Black Friday gave us 975 leads at a 26% conversion rate. What’s more, you can create such a landing page single-handedly in less than an hour! No coding needed, using Landingi drag & drop editor is easy as pie even when you don’t have any experience.

Landingi comes with over 40 integrations to maximize the effectiveness of your work. Running a successful Black Friday campaign with all the tools seamlessly integrated saves hours and dollars.

Running a successful campaign

During your campaign, you will be sending emails, creating landing pages and sharing offers on social media. That’s why you need all those tools mentioned above. See how you can make the difference.

Design a Black Friday landing page that converts

Use the Black Friday atmosphere for your advantage. Most of the people are ready to spend some money on BF deals – your job is to show them why your offer is worth their money more than anyone else’s. A landing page is a perfect solution for such a purpose.

Creating a landing page is easy, but to make it convert is a bit tougher job. Take a closer look at a guide on this matter:

promo offer landing page

How to create a landing page that converts? Read on!

Create a consistent design

All the assets you will use during the Black Friday / Cyber Monday campaign should work together seamlessly. That’s the approach we chose in 2018 and it ended up yielding great results.

black friday converting designs

First, we’ve created a wintery landing page, and then every marketing piece (blog posts, social media posts, banners, videos – even the topbar on our website) was designed to fit the image. It helped people recognize our deal wherever they saw it.

See the actual Black Friday landing page example, which resulted in outstanding sales – $28 000:

Our Black Friday landing page was created in Landingi with no additional coding. Try and design one yourself!

Send emails to interested people

As I’ve mentioned before, email marketing is one of the foundations of digital marketing and it can still work miracles. Two years ago, we sent over 65 000 emails to our subscribers and leads, and it turned out nicely – messages sent to leads generated in pre-Black Friday campaign got outstanding results.

Drive traffic from social media

Another step of BFCM campaign is to use the engagement your company generates in social media. I’m positive that you have already posted on all your social media platforms, but posting isn’t the end of the story – it’s the little things that may determine your campaign’s success or lack thereof.

Try Instagram Stories instead of (or together with) posts – it’s a great opportunity to literally say (or sing) something to instagrammers – 70% of IG users browse stories with sound on, which doesn’t apply to posts. Also, it’s easier to swipe up directly from a story than click the link in bio (but you shouldn’t neglect it anyway).

Your company’s fanpage is being visited by a narrow group of people. Facebook Ads are a great way to reach out, but their cost is constantly growing. Try posting in relevant Facebook groups. But hey, nobody likes spammers, so don’t try to hide behind fake accounts! Ask an administrator before you post your Black Friday offer and stay relevant to the topic of the group.

Boost up with ads

Facebook Ads and Google Ads are among the most popular ways to get paid traffic, but there are a few other options – Instagram Ads mentioned before, Quora Ads (for a very specific target audience), as well as Bing Ads or LinkedIn Ads. All those PPC networks give different opportunities, perfect for different audiences. If your products are business-oriented (for example, offering services like Plumb outsourced accounting), trying LinkedIn may not be a bad idea.

Giving the best offer

It’s the offer that sells the most. Let’s focus on giving your customers exactly what they want to get:

  • Additional discount for signing up for notifications – earlier in this article, I’ve presented a landing page we used back in 2018. Creating a similar one is remarkably easy and profitable – it gives you an opportunity to gather tons of leads before you even start selling. You just need to know that saying too much about your BF offer may result in significantly lower sales throughout a few weeks before the promotion – people may want to wait for the deal to activate before buying your stuff. Remember, though, that leads stay with you for a long, long time and they may be a great investment for future marketing campaigns.
  • Free shipping – nothing’s free, but the shipping may be – it could be an old saying (it isn’t), because it’s true – people love getting free stuff and offering them free shipping on BFCM days may encourage them to buy more than they planned – after all, they save lots of money on shipping, right? That should work well especially during this tough year – if there’s no need to stand in line, the people will most likely stay home and shop online.
  • Secret deals – create a landing page with a secret offer – filling out the form would send a surprise discount code directly to the subscriber’s inbox. Keep the details secret, but make sure to increase the interest by sharing a few information about the upcoming deal – solving mysteries are great, but being too mysterious won’t help.

Take a look at few Black Friday landing page examples you can find in Landingi:

  • Doorbuster campaign – back to physical stores. Not everybody runs their businesses online. If your store is a more traditional one, you may want to create a doorbuster campaign – lower the prices of a limited number of products (but lower them good!) for a limited time only – say, from the opening till noon. People will most likely show up to buy one thing, but end up with a full basket. Remember to keep all your employees and customers safe in those pandemic times. No profit is worth the danger of getting sick.
  • Extend some deals – a day lasts 24 hours and that’s it – many of your customers may not make it in time to seal the deal in your store. You can go the extra mile for them and extend your special offers for a few days – but make it easier only for subscribers and regulars.

Here’s the real-life example from our BFCM campaign in 2018 – we opened the gates for previously-gathered leads on Thursday, crossing fingers to get plenty of sales from the beginning, but the outcome was a bit different – the first day of a sale brought us only four sales, the mighty Black Friday ended with 21 additional sales, the weekend after was a total disaster (we were a bit down on Monday morning, to say the least), but the Cyber Monday exceeded our expectations with 32 new sales. Eventually, we ended our BFCM sales with a nice round number of one hundred annual plans sold:

  • New products on Black Friday – promoting a whole new thing (especially in companies known for their flagship product(s)) can be tough. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the perfect conditions to pique customer’s interest and present them with new products (at a discounted price).
  • Gamification – let visitors play a little game before purchasing. We tried this approach last year, when we let people spin for the win – everybody could try multiple times without any consequences, so it wasn’t really a gamble, but our plan to entertain people a bit worked – our visitors spun 1 035 times and we’ve sold 79 annual and lifetime plans for a total of $33 114!
  • Create a gift guide – Black Friday emails will swarm people’s inboxes, so make sure that yours stands out. Guide your subscribers through the most interesting products in your assortment. Remember what I told you about abandoned carts? Now is the time to use the knowledge you’ve gathered before. Create a guide based on people’s interest, not blind shots, and the results will surprise you – after all, 54% shoppers take retailer’s recommendations into consideration while holiday shopping.
  • Hot shots – limited-time online deals are nothing new, but they’re still exciting for customers. Offer one or a few products with a huge discount for exactly one hour. After that, there’s another one, and another after the second. This way you can sustain visitors’ interest and keep them revisiting your website for a whole Cyber Monday promotion duration. And if the offers are really attractive, you can be sure to see sales growing.

Waiting for the next Black Friday

The end of your Black Friday deal is not the reason for you to stop gathering leads. Quite the contrary. Take advantage of the time and turn your Black Friday landing page into a “coming soon” landing page. Look what happens after you google the Landingi offer out of the Black Friday season:

Keep your landing page available all year round to both increase your domain’s authority and gather leads for future use. When the right time comes, you should have a full contact list you can notify about the start of your next year’s Black Friday deal.
Pre-Black Friday time is demanding, but it can also be rewarding as long as we spend it to prepare for the campaign and to broaden the list of tools we’re using. Now is the perfect time to try out new things. Who knows, maybe one of them will become your must-have tool?

Best SAAS Black Friday Deals in 2023

This year’s Black Friday brings an array of SAAS offers that stand out for their value and utility. Our list captures these top deals, ensuring you have quick access to savings and quality.

Sylwester Karnuszewicz

Content Specialist

Sylwester Karnuszewicz is a marketing content expert with over 4 years of experience in digital marketing and landing page creation.
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