Before you manage the DNS zone of your domain, it’s good to know what are some of the basic DNS records. This will make it easier for you to work with domains and subdomains.
DNS stands for Domain Name System. You use DNS records to modify information about the domain and redirect individual subdomains to external web servers.
To redirect domains, you need to add/edit A records.
A record
The A record is simply an address and indicates the IP address (IPv4 ) of your domain. That’s why the A record is always a string of digits, such as You will need to change the A record when you want to publish a landing page to a subdomain.
TXT record
A domain can have multiple TXT records, and they can be used for various purposes. A TXT record contains information about your domain. These records can be used, for example, to verify your page on Meta Business Manager.
CNAME record
It is a record that maps an alias name to a true or canonical domain name. You will need to manage CNAME records if you want to set a custom email address as the sender of notifications that are sent to your subaccounts or as an email for the autoresponder (Agency and Unlimited plans only).
Where do I find the DNS records?
In order to access and edit the DNS records, you need to log in to your panel at the domain name provider. Find your domain name and locate the DNS zone or DNS management. Some providers require you to purchase a hosting package before you can manage your DNS records. When you add a subdomain to Landingi, we’ll tell you which DNS records need to be added. You can always browse the list of guides for selected domain name providers or read the general guide for adding a subdomain and the general guide for adding a www subdomain.