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Home Blog Google PPC: Definition, Best Practices & Examples

Google PPC: Definition, Best Practices & Examples

Imagine attracting high-intent customers actively searching for exactly what you offer. Google PPC puts this powerful potential at your fingertips. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll not only define Google PPC but equip you with the best practices and inspiring examples to craft winning campaigns. Get ready to unlock a targeted audience, boost website traffic, and propel your business towards success.
Last updated:
October 21, 2024
ppc google

Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective tools in every marketer’s kit, allowing businesses to reach their target audiences quickly by paying to gather more page visitors rather than attempting to earn those visits organically. With robust targeting capabilities, instant visibility, and measurable ROI, Google PPC has become a foundation of digital marketing strategies across industries. Since Google Browser processes more than 8.5 billion searches per day, it’s clear that it’s worth investing in PPC campaigns on this platform.

The average click-through rate for a top-position ad is 6.30%, as highlighted in WordStream statistics, underscoring the Google PPC meaning in driving successful digital marketing campaigns. But achieving the best results requires more than creating a Google Ads account and starting a new campaign – “Anyone can set up a campaign these days, but it takes a high level of expertise to build a successful account that optimizes towards your goals”, as said Miles McNair, Google Ads expert.

This article explains the PPC Google mechanism, offering a comprehensive definition, outlining best practices to maximize ROI, and providing real-world examples to illustrate its effectiveness. It also explains the meaning of great landing pages linked to your ads and shows how Landingi, a perfect PPC marketing tool, can help you win over competitors. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a small business owner looking to boost your online presence, understanding the nuances of Google PPC can significantly enhance your marketing efforts and drive business growth.

For a good start, check out a few best practices for launching a successful Google PPC campaign:

  1. Understand your audience to leverage the potential of advanced targeting.
  2. Define your campaign goals to choose the best ad formats.
  3. Set your budget and implement a proper bidding strategy to maximize ROI.
  4. Optimize landing pages to drive higher conversions.
  5. Set your KPIs to measure campaign success and implement data-driven optimization.

What Is PPC in Google?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, in Google, refers to a digital advertising model where a fee is charged for each time an ad is clicked. This model is most commonly associated with Google Ads, Google’s advertising platform, which allows businesses to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and across its extensive network of partner sites.

Google Ads offers various ad formats, including search, shopping, display ads, and more. Each is designed to meet different marketing goals and cater to user preferences and behaviors. Choosing a proper ad format plays a crucial role in the efficiency and effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

The primary advantage of Google PPC lies in its ability to offer immediate visibility and measurable results, allowing businesses to connect with potential customers precisely when they are seeking related products or services. This focused approach ensures that advertising budgets are used effectively, bringing valuable traffic to the advertiser’s website.

Maximize your Google PPC results! Build perfect landing pages for your ads with Landingi today.

Why Should I Use Google PPC Advertising?

You should use Google PPC advertising to prepare digital marketing strategies for your company because its ability to deliver immediate, targeted, and measurable results makes it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to enhance their online presence, drive traffic, and increase conversions. Whether you are a small business owner or a large enterprise, leveraging Google PPC can provide you with significant benefits, as follows:

  1. Immediate results – Google PPC campaigns can be set up quickly, and your ads can appear on search results pages within minutes. This lets you generate traffic and leads almost instantly, making it ideal also for time-sensitive promotions and campaigns.
  2. Targeted advertising – with Google PPC, you can precisely target your ads based on keywords, location, demographics, device type, time of day, and other factors. Advanced targeting options ensure your ads are seen by the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.
  3. Measurable ROI – by leveraging the Google Ads platform, you access detailed analytics and reporting that allow you to measure the performance of your campaigns in real time. You can track metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), and conversions. You can also easily check the return on investment (ROI) rate. This allows you to optimize your campaigns for better results without guessing.
  4. Cost control – in Google PPC, you have complete control over your advertising budget. You can set daily or monthly limits and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This pay-per-click model ensures you are only spending money on actual potential customers who are interested in your offer.
  5. Enhanced brand visibility – appearing at the top of Google search results through PPC ads increases your brand’s visibility and credibility. Even if users don’t click on your ad, seeing your brand at the top of the search results can reinforce brand awareness and recognition. Same with display ads – they appear on Google network partners’ websites, visually engaging potentially interested users, boosting your brand awareness, and leaving a strong visual experience that lasts in users’ minds.
  6. Flexibility and customization – Google PPC offers a variety of ad formats (search ads, display ads, shopping ads, video ads, etc.) and customization options, allowing you to tailor your ads to match your specific marketing goals, whether it’s driving traffic, increasing sales, or promoting brand awareness.
  7. Remarketing opportunities—Google Ads includes powerful remarketing features that allow you to target users who have previously visited your website but did not convert. These features help you re-engage these potential customers and increase the chances of conversion upon their return.
  8. Competitive edge – by bidding on strategic keywords, you can outperform competitors in search results and capture market share. PPC also provides insights into your competitors’ strategies, helping you refine your approach.
  9. Integration with other marketing channels – Google PPC works well with other digital marketing strategies, such as SEO, content marketing, and social media advertising. Using PPC with these strategies can create a cohesive and comprehensive digital marketing plan that maximizes your reach and effectiveness.

As shown in one of DemandSage’s reports, over 80% of businesses worldwide leverage the targeting power of Google Ads, and they not only believe in success but, relying on data, they know it works – a staggering 92.26% of global searches happen on Google.

How Does PPC Advertising in Google Work?

Google’s PPC advertising model operates on an advanced auction-based system where advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience. Google determines the Ad Rank, and the placement of ads depends on a combination of the bid amount and the ad’s quality score, which measures the ad’s relevance and usefulness based on CTR rates, keyword relevance, and user experience on a landing page. Ads can be displayed in search results and across the Google Display Network, and their hierarchy depends on Ad Rank.

Google Ads, a platform for creating and managing Google PPC campaigns, empowers advertisers with full control over their budgets and bidding strategies, enabling them to secure optimal outcomes tailored to their marketing goals. It provides an extensive suite of advanced analytics and performance tracking tools, allowing advertisers to monitor KPIs, including CTR, CPC, and conversion rates. This data-driven approach equips businesses to continually refine their campaigns, making informed adjustments to enhance performance and maximize ROI.

The PPC advertising in Google involves a few important steps, as follows:

  • Keyword research and selection – you should conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. In this phase, professional tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you find relevant keywords with a good search volume and competition balance.
  • Ad creation – you craft compelling ad copy that aligns with your chosen keywords and resonates with your target audience, including a strong headline, engaging description, and a clear call to action. You must ensure your ad is relevant to the keywords and offers value to the user.
  • Budget setting – once the ad is ready, you decide on your daily or lifetime campaign budget and choose a bidding strategy that aligns with your goals. Options include manual bidding for more control or automated bidding where Google optimizes bids for the best results within your budget.
  • Audience targeting – before launching a campaign, you must refine your audience targeting by specifying demographics, locations, device types, and other criteria. You can also use remarketing to target users who have previously interacted with your site or app.
  • Ad extensions setting – you can enhance your ads with ad extensions to provide additional information and improve visibility. Extensions can include site links, call buttons, location information, and more, making your ad more useful and appealing to users.
  • Landing page optimization –the landing pages you use in your Google PPC campaigns must be optimized for a seamless user experience. You should keep your page consistent with the ad’s message, ensure it loads quickly, and provide clear information. By using professional tools like Landingi, you can effortlessly design a great PPC landing page with an outstanding CTA to convert visitors into customers.
  • Campaign monitoring – once everything is set up, you can launch your campaign and start monitoring its performance. Using Google Ads’ analytics tools to track key metrics, you can continuously optimize your advertisement campaign to achieve better results.

Optimize your Google PPC strategy – craft relevant pages that deliver higher conversions and better ROI.

6 Google PPC Best Practices

Learn the 6 best practices to maximize the effectiveness of your Google Pay-Per-Click campaigns. Follow proven methods listed below – these techniques enhance campaign performance, improve ad relevance, and drive better results, improving ROI.

#1 Choose proper keywords

The first Google PPC best practice is to choose proper keywords. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify keywords your target audience is searching for. Focus on long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive, to capture targeted traffic. Remember to regularly update your negative keyword list to exclude irrelevant searches and prevent wasted spend.

#2 Use geo-targeting

The second Google ads best practice is to use geo-targeting. Enhance the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns by pinpointing and targeting specific geographic locations. To enhance the performance of your advertising campaigns, pay attention to tailoring them specifically for local searches. This will help to attract more customers to your physical location and boost local sales and conversions.

By concentrating your ads on areas where your target audience is most likely to be found, you not only optimize your advertising spend but also increase the chances of your message reaching the right people. Identifying these locations requires thorough research and analysis of your audience’s habits, preferences, and behavior. This strategic approach allows for more personalized and relevant advertising, which can lead to higher engagement rates, improved brand recognition, and, ultimately, increased sales.

#3 Utilize ad extensions

The third Google search engine marketing best practice is to utilize ad extensions, which enhance visibility and increase CTR. Ad extensions such as site links, callouts, structured snippets, and location extensions provide additional information and improve ad visibility, making it more attractive for users. These extensions can increase click-through rates by making your ads more informative and appealing.

#4 Optimize landing pages

The fourth Google PPC best practice is to optimize landing pages. It’s important for one reason – without a clear, focused landing page, your campaign won’t generate conversions. Landing pages linked to ads should be optimized for fast loading times, easy navigation, and mobile friendliness to provide a seamless user experience and drive sales or generate leads.

Use professional landing page builder, Landingi, with over 400 templates designed for various business goals in each industry, and create a page that encourages visitors to take the desired action with a focused approach, clear and informative copy, attractive visuals, and prominent CTA. Ensure your landing pages are directly relevant to your ad copy and keywords to boost your campaign efficiency.

Take your Google PPC to the next level! Use Landingi to create landing pages that maximize every click.

#5 Implement a proper bidding strategy

The fifth Google advertising best practice is to implement a proper bidding strategy. You can choose between manual bidding for greater control over your spending or automated bidding for Google to optimize bids based on your goals. To maximize ROI, your bids should be based on:

  • device,
  • location,
  • time of day,
  • and audience performance.

Adjust bids to prioritize devices that yield higher conversion rates or lower costs per conversion, and use location-based bid adjustments to concentrate your ad spend in areas where you see the best ROI. Schedule your ads and adjust bids to align with the times your audience will likely engage and convert. Use audience insights to tailor your bidding strategy, focusing more on segments that show higher engagement and conversion rates. Continuously monitor and refine your bids to stay competitive and achieve the best possible results from your PPC campaigns.

#6 Set clear goals and KPIs

The last Google ad campaigns’ best practice is to set clear goals and KPIs. Establish which goals you’re aiming for (e.g., increased sales, lead generation, brand awareness). Set proper KPIs that fit your objectives and provide relevant data needed to measure success and make informed decisions on further campaign optimization.

How to Start a PPC Campaign on Google?

To start a Google PPC campaign, you must access a Google Ads account and prepare your campaign based on the goals and target audiences you want to reach. Ad creation should start with researching keywords, preparing ad creatives, and optimizing landing pages. Once you’ve done this, you can choose the campaign type, set the budget and bidding strategy, define your target audience, and use ad extensions. The rest is launching and monitoring ad performance for further optimization.

Check out the detailed 9-step guide below and use it as your checklist while launching a new PPC Google campaign:

1. Set up your Google Ads account

Firstly, set up your Google Ads account. Go to the Google Ads homepage and click “Start Now” to create your account. Once you access the Google Ads platform, you can start preparing your campaign, but don’t rush – effective campaigns need a professional approach.

2. Define your campaign goals

Secondly, define your campaign goals and determine what you want to achieve with your campaign (e.g., website traffic, sales, lead generation, brand awareness). At this point, it’s good to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you measure your campaign success (e.g., click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per acquisition).

3. Conduct PPC keyword research

Thirdly, conduct PPC keyword research. By using proper tools, like Google Keyword Planner, find relevant keywords for your business and the offer you want to promote. Include long-tail keywords that are more specific and less competitive. You should also identify negative keywords to exclude irrelevant traffic and avoid wasted spend – it’s one of the most important steps, impacting your campaign’s overall ROI.

4. Create your campaign

Fourthly, create your campaign – choose the type of campaign (Search, Display, Shopping, Video, or App). Type your campaign name to manage it more easily, and decide whether you want your ads to appear on the Google Search Network, Display Network, or both.

5. Set your budget

Fifthly, set your budget and decide on a bidding strategy. Determine a daily budget that aligns with your overall marketing budget, and choose a bidding strategy based on your campaign goals from the following options:

  • Target cost per action (CPA) – helps increase conversions while aiming for a specific cost per action (CPA).
  • Target return on ad spend (ROAS) – aims to increase conversion value while targeting a specific return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • Maximize conversions – allows you to optimize for conversions and fully utilize your budget without targeting a specific CPA.
  • Maximize conversion value – allows you to optimize for conversion value by spending your entire budget without targeting a specific ROAS.
  • Enhanced cost per click (ECPC) – allows automatically adjust your manual bids to maximize conversions. It’s an optional feature that can be used with Manual CPC bidding.

6. Define your target audience

Sixthly, define your target audience to reach users that suit your perfect customer. Once you understand who you want to direct your offer to, target your ads by demographics, including age and gender, and by specific devices. Choose specific geographic locations to show your ads, and use audience targeting options to reach users based on their interests, behaviors, and past interactions with your site.

7. Create ads

Seventhly, create ads and organize your campaign into ad groups, each containing related keywords and ads. To make your ad efficient, write compelling ad copy with a strong headline, engaging description, and clear call-to-action. For display or video ads, use professional visuals. Add ad extensions (landing page link, call, location, etc.) to provide additional information and increase ad visibility.

Connect with consumers at their moment of need. 90% of consumers admit that ads significantly impact their purchases, according to TechReport stats. This presents a remarkable opportunity to build trust, showcase your value, and connect with potential customers exactly when they’re searching for solutions.

8. Optimize landing pages

Eighthly, optimize landing pages for relevance, user experience, and conversion. Ensure that the landing page is relevant to the ad copy and keywords. Optimize it for fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and easy navigation. Include clear CTAs, forms, or purchase options to drive conversions. To create a well-performing PPC landing page, use professional tools like Landingi – the best platform for creating, testing, and optimizing landing pages. You can start your page project by choosing a perfect template from over 400 propositions and customizing it in a user-friendly editor, which ensures mobile responsiveness.

Turn Google search traffic into loyal customers. Use Landingi to optimize your PPC landing pages.

9. Review and Launch

The final step in setting up your Google PPC campaign is to review all aspects before launching it. Check your campaign settings, ad copy, and targeting options. Verify that your daily or total campaign budget aligns with your marketing goals and overall budget plan. Confirm the networks you have selected for your ads to appear on (Google Search Network, Display Network, etc.) are appropriate for your campaign goals. Then, ensure your geographic targeting settings match the regions where your target audience is located. You can use the ad preview tool to see how your ads will appear in search results and on the Display Network. This helps catch any errors or formatting issues. Once satisfied, you can start your campaign.

Campaign creation in Google Ads is just the beginning – it requires ongoing optimization to bring higher ROI. You can achieve your goals by using analytics tools to monitor campaign performance. Based on the gathered data, you should regularly review and adjust your bids to boost campaign efficiency. Conducting A/B tests on ad copy, bidding strategies, and landing pages is a good practice to identify the most effective elements.

Craft a perfect ad-related landing page with Landingi to drive better results from your campaigns.

To experiment with your landing page versions effortlessly, use Landingi with the A/B testing feature, which automates the process and gathers all data in one dashboard. The last thing in PPC campaign optimization is continuously updating your keyword list and negative keywords based on performance insights. By implementing these strategies, you can manage your Google PPC advertising campaigns based on actual data to achieve success.

What Is the Cost of a PPC Google Campaign?

The cost of a PPC Google campaign starts at an average of $0.11 CPC (cost per click) or $0.51 CPM (cost per thousand impressions), but the advertiser’s payment depends on various factors, including industry, objectives, competition, and Ad Rank score. The average costs of Google PPC campaigns in 2024, based on WebFX statistics, are the following:

  • Avg. CPC (cost per click): from $0.11 to $0.50
  • Avg. CPM (cost per 1000 impressions): from $0.51 to $1.0
  • Avg. total monthly spending: from $100 to $10.000

You can choose between manual bidding, which allows you to control all costs, or setting a budget and using automated bidding, which lets Google Ads automate your bidding for the best results. In Google Ads campaigns, the advertiser pays each time the ad is clicked or each time it’s viewed, depending on ad types and strategies.

Costs of PPC Google advertising depend on various factors, as follows:

  1. Keyword competition – keywords with high search volume and competition will generally cost more per click because many advertisers are bidding on them, while less competitive keywords typically have lower CPC due to fewer advertisers interested in them.
  2. Quality score – by improving your Quality Score, you can achieve higher ad positions at lower costs. A better quality score is achievable through ads more relevant to the user’s search query and pages that provide a good user experience with relevant and high-quality content. Historical CTR also affects your Quality Score – the higher expected CTRs can lower your CPC.
  3. Bid amount – if you set your bids manually, your CPC will be influenced by the maximum amount you are willing to pay per click. When choosing Google’s automated bidding strategies, the system can adjust your bids in real time to achieve your campaign goals, which can affect costs.
  4. Ad Rank – Google determines Ad Rank based on your bid amount and Quality Score. A higher Ad Rank can lower your CPC and improve your ad position. Effective use of ad extensions can improve your Ad Rank and potentially reduce costs by enhancing your ad’s relevance and CTR.
  5. Industry and market trends – certain times of the year (e.g., holidays, back-to-school, etc.) can see increased competition and higher CPCs due to increased advertising activity. Some industries, such as the legal, finance, and healthcare sectors, naturally have higher advertising costs due to higher average CPCs.
  6. Geographic targeting – ads targeting regions with high competition (e.g., major cities) may have higher CPCs than those targeting less competitive areas. Similarly, local campaigns might have different cost structures than global campaigns, impacting overall budget allocation.
  7. Device targeting – CPC can differ across devices (desktop, mobile, tablet). For example, mobile ads might have different CPCs than desktop ads. Adjusting bids based on device performance can optimize costs by focusing spend on devices that drive better conversion rates.
  8. Ad placement – ads that appear at the top of the search results page typically cost more than those at the bottom due to higher visibility and CTR. Costs can also vary between the Google Search Network and the Display Network, with search ads generally having higher CPCs due to user intent.
  9. Ad relevance and CTR – ads with higher CTRs often benefit from lower CPCs because Google rewards ads that generate more clicks. Well-crafted ad copy that resonates with users can improve CTR and, at the same, reduce costs.
  10. Ad extensions and formats – utilizing ad extensions can improve ad performance and lower CPC by increasing ad relevance and CTR. Different ad formats, like text, image, or video, have varying costs and effectiveness, influencing overall ad spend.

4 Examples of PPC Google Advertising

Check out the 4 real-life examples of PPC Google Advertising that illustrate various ad formats and ad placements, and learn how to leverage theoretical knowledge into successful PPC campaigns. These examples provide practical insights into optimizing your ads for different contexts, helping you understand how to effectively reach your target audience and maximize your advertising ROI.

1. Search ads

The first example showcases search ads format of Google PPC advertising, leveraged by Lingoda, a company that offers online language courses. This ad appears in the top of Google search engine results page, thanks to perfectly targeted keywords. Lingoda’s ad includes short copy, ensuring user have found the desired offer, and a link to a PPC landing page.

Once the ad is clicked, it directs user to a page with a clear layout, compelling headline supplemented with a short description, and an outstanding CTA button, appearing in the hero section and a strategic top-right corner. The page includes also reviews placed near the action button, which builds trust in the right point of the user path.

Pay attention to details – this landing page is relevant to the ad it’s linked to, including the brand logo that also appears in the ad and messaging similar to the ad’s. This consistency ensures a seamless user experience and boosts the campaign’s overall effectiveness.

Achieve your advertising goals with perfectly designed PPC landing page – choose the English School template or select from over 400 available designs created for various industries and use Landingi to maximize overall campaign ROI.

user searches ppc landing page

2. Shopping ads

The second example illustrates shopping ads appearing in Google’s SERP. These ads showcase specific products along with essential details like price, product image, and merchant name, making them highly effective for e-commerce businesses. Shopping ads are intricately connected to product feeds and rely heavily on thorough keyword research to ensure they appear for relevant searches. Users searching for items like headphones on Google typically use descriptive phrases, often including specific brands or features, indicating high purchase intent. By targeting these high-intent queries, shopping ads can significantly boost visibility and drive conversions for products that meet the user’s specific needs and preferences.

On the other hand, users who use general phrases to search for products within a category are likely at the beginning of their shopping journey. For example, someone searching for a “camera” is likely comparing features, brands, and prices before making a decision. Targeting these users with well-crafted shopping ads can help guide them towards specific products, providing them with valuable information and enticing visuals that can influence their purchasing decisions as they move further down the sales funnel. This strategic approach helps capture potential customers early, building awareness and consideration for your brand.

3. Display ads

The third example showcases display ads appearing on the Google Display Network (GDN), which includes a vast array of partner websites. These display ads utilize engaging visuals relevant to the advertised offer and concise messaging paired with an enticing call to action. Display ads can be static, featuring images, or they can include short animations to capture users’ attention more effectively. Lufthansa, for instance, leverages display ads not only to encourage users to explore their flight offers but also to enhance brand awareness.

By utilizing strong visual advertisements with compelling imagery and strategic CTAs, Lufthansa effectively highlights its services and promotions, creating a memorable brand presence. This approach helps attract potential customers who may not have been actively searching for flights but are influenced by the appealing visuals and persuasive messages presented to them as they browse various websites within the GDN.

Optimize your Google PPC strategy – craft relevant pages that deliver higher conversions and better ROI.

4. Video ads

The fourth example showcases video ads, another ad types available to launch within Google Ads, that can appear in YouTube platform or across websites and apps being Google video partners. Video ads leverage the power of visual storytelling to capture attention and convey messages more dynamically than static ads. They can range from short, impactful clips to longer, informative videos, depending on the advertiser’s objectives. Companies often use video ads to showcase new product launches, share compelling brand stories, or highlight customer testimonials.

Source: |

Audi leveraged a video ad that is strategically designed to engage viewers, evoke emotions, and drive them towards a specific action – visiting a website and learning more about the newest offer. With precise targeting options, video ads can reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring the content is seen by the most relevant audience. This makes video ads a powerful tool for building brand awareness, driving traffic, and, ultimately, increasing conversions.

Can PPC Be Used in Google?

Yes, PPC can be used in Google through its advertising platform, Google Ads, where businesses create ads appearing on Google’s search engine results pages and across its vast network of partner sites. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their products or services and pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Google Ads uses an auction-based system where Ad Rank, determined by the bid amount and Quality Score, affects ad placement. This model allows for targeted, immediate, and measurable marketing, helping businesses reach their audience efficiently while optimizing their advertising spend.

What Is the Difference Between Google Ads and PPC?

The essential difference between Google Ads and PPC is that Google Ads serves as a tool for PPC, while PPC encompasses a wider range of advertising platforms beyond just Google. Google Ads is a specific online advertising platform provided by Google, where businesses create and run ads that appear on Google’s search engine results pages and its extensive network of partner websites. PPC is a broader advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked, regardless of the platform. While Google Ads operates on a PPC model, not all PPC advertising occurs on Google. PPC is also a payment system for advertising on other platforms like Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and other digital advertising networks.

Which Is Better, PPC or Google Ads?

Deciding between PPC and Google Ads relies on your particular goals and the audience you want to reach. PPC is a broad advertising model where advertisers pay per click on various platforms, while Google Ads is a specific PPC platform offering extensive reach and robust tools. Google Ads can be the best choice for businesses seeking immediate visibility on the world’s most popular search engine, precise targeting, and detailed analytics. It’s also ideal for businesses of all sizes wanting to capture high-intent traffic, boost website visits, and drive sales quickly.

Google Ads is great at targeting specific keywords and audiences, which makes it very effective for e-commerce, local businesses, and any enterprise aiming to maximize ROI through targeted search and display ads. However, having a diverse PPC strategy across multiple platforms, including social media and other search engines, can be beneficial for reaching a wider audience and engaging with varied demographics.

What Is the Best PPC Google Tool for Landing Pages?

The best PPC Google tool for landing pages is Landingi, a multifunctional platform that provides advanced tools for creating, testing, tracking, and optimizing landing pages. As PPC advertising requires a high-converting landing page for driving conversions and, at the same, improving ROI, you should choose a tool that not only provides a page builder but helps you measure its success and allows for effortless optimization based on data. For these purposes, Landingi is your best choice.

Try Landingi now and build landing pages that turn clicks into meaningful actions.

In this platform, you can prepare your campaign with a visually attractive and functional landing page by choosing one of over 400 templates designed for various industries and campaign objectives. Landingi’s builder allows you to easily customize the chosen template and create a compelling copy with its AI-driven content generator supporting 29 languages, making your page relevant to your ads. AI landing page creation functionalities also involve SEO optimization and image edition, which lets you craft stunning page designs optimized for search engine algorithms. Landingi also provides a form builder, popups, and various widgets that can help you turn your page into a powerful lead-generation tool.

The A/B testing feature simplifies experimenting with page versions, which can be profitable, especially in PPC campaigns, determining the final landing page version that drives the best conversion rate. It wouldn’t be so efficient without the EventTracker solution – a built-in user behavior tracking tool that gathers all data in one Landingi dashboard. With over 170 integrations, including Google Ads, Landingi becomes indispensable PPC software for landing pages that can perfectly suit your existing digital marketing toolkit.

Create an Effective Google PPC Campaign with Landingi

As you know what makes PPC campaigns successful, and which methods can help you increase ROI, it’s time to take the opportunity and boost your brand’s online presence, reach the right audience and increase conversions. By leveraging various ad formats such as search, display, shopping, and video ads, you can optimize your campaigns to meet specific marketing goals and maximize ROI. Understanding and implementing best practices in Google PPC advertising is essential for any business looking to enhance its online presence and achieve sustained growth.

For the best results, you need the right equipment – choose Landingi and leverage its AI-driven features to create ad-relevant landing pages that can be easily tracked and optimized within the one platform. Sign up now and check out how well-optimized pages can turn casual campaign into a powerful digital marketing strategy.

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Martyna Targosz

Content Writer

Martyna Targosz is a marketing content expert with over 3 years of experience in digital marketing. She specializes in landing page creation and conversion optimization. She is currently being mentored by Błażej Abel, CEO of Landingi, a leading company in landing page technology.
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