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Home Blog Tech Landing Page: Definition, How to Create & 5 Examples

Tech Landing Page: Definition, How to Create & 5 Examples

A specific web page designed to promote technology products or services, where visitors land after clicking on a marketing link. It aims to convert visitors into customers with detailed information and a clear call to action. Check out the best real examples of such pages and learn best practices to ensure high conversions while creating your one.
Last updated:
August 28, 2024
best tech landing page examples

A tech landing page is a standalone web page with a single conversion goal (whether signing up for a newsletter subscription, free trial registering, purchasing products, etc.) that promotes technology products, services, events, or other related things, captivating visitors into the innovation world.

Did you know that companies employing optimization tools for their landing pages typically experience an average increase in conversions of 30%? These Unbounce statistics clarify the path to success: having a well-performing landing page in the tech industry is a must! In this article, we highlight the key components grounding the tech landing pages’ success, discuss industry best practices, and offer practical advice for creating a tech landing page that effectively transforms a visitor’s curiosity into engagement.

Dive into the finest tech landing page examples, and meet designs that resonate with their target market. Learn how to turn visitors into engaged users or customers seamlessly. For a good start, check the 4 vital tips on crafting an impactful tech landing page:

  • Prioritize sleek, modern visuals,
  • Employ compelling, action-driven CTAs,
  • Utilize social proof and showcase testimonials or endorsements,
  • Ensure the page is fully optimized for mobile users.

Scroll through the article to find the best tech landing page examples and gain essential insights into what makes these pages stand out, rendering them effective and successful in achieving their goals.

  1. Starlink
  2. Apple TV+
  3. TSMC
  4. AMD
  5. IBM

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What Is a Tech Landing Page?

A tech landing page is a digital space designed to promote a single technology product, service, or related event. Its primary goal is to guide visitors toward a specific action, such as subscribing to a service, downloading software, requesting a demo, etc. Unlike regular web pages, which might offer various information and navigational options, a tech landing page is focused and targeted to keep the user’s attention on the call-to-action.

This type of landing page is essential in the tech industry for launching new products, offering free trials, or capturing leads for software and tech services. It highlights the product’s features, benefits, and unique selling propositions, leveraging testimonials, demos, and technical specifications to persuade visitors.

Effective tech landing pages are streamlined for conversion, using clear and compelling copy, engaging visuals, and a straightforward layout that makes taking the next step irresistible for the audience. They play a crucial role in a tech company’s digital marketing strategy by optimizing the user’s journey from interest to decision-making.

How Do I Create a Tech Landing Page?

To create a landing page for a tech industry, clearly set the objective youre aiming for and understand your audience, define a value proposition, design the page for usability, including all key landing page elements, and remember about responsiveness. While building a landing page that converts, focus on clarity, usability, and persuasive elements that drive the visitor toward your desired action. To get started, follow the detailed 8-step guide below:

1. Understand your audience

Firstly, understand your audience. Before anything else, think of who your target audience is. Knowing their pain points, desires, and technology knowledge, will help you customize your landing page to speak directly to their needs and how your product or service can address them.

2. Define your value proposition

Secondly, define your unique value proposition. Clearly articulate what makes your tech offering unique and why it matters to your target audience. It should be attractive, engaging, and prominent on your landing page to grab attention immediately.

3. Design for usability

Thirdly, design your landing page for usability. Create a layout that’s intuitive and visually appealing. Use high-quality images, videos, or graphics that explain your technology or demonstrate it in action. The design should guide visitors naturally toward the CTA, making it easy for them to understand what steps to take next.

4. Craft compelling content

Fourthly, craft a compelling content. Prepare concise, persuasive descriptions that communicate the benefits of your technology. Avoid jargon unless your audience prefers it. Include headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the content digestible – longer texts break into smaller sections to keep the visitor interested.

5. Optimize your call-to-action

Fifthly, optimize the CTA button. A perfect call-to-action button should stand out and clarify what the visitor will get by clicking on it. Use persuasive colors tailored to your brand’s visual identity and selected with a focus on color psychology. Messaging also matters, so keep the button text straightforward, indicating the urgency.

6. Incorporate social proof

Sixthly, implement social proof. Testimonials, case studies, and endorsements can greatly enhance credibility. Additionally, you can show award badges and renowned partner logos. Including these elements helps reassure visitors that others trust and value your technology.

7. Ensure mobile responsiveness

Seventhly, ensure mobile responsiveness. Your tech landing page must perform flawlessly on screens of all sizes, load quickly, and ensure a seamless experience with its layout. Use a landing page editor that provides the optimal size for the mobile version of the landing page, like Landingi.

8. Test and optimize

Lastly, regularly test and optimize your landing page. Use A/B testing to try different versions of your page and test various headlines, CTAs, images, and layouts to see what combination drives the highest conversion rates. Continuous optimization based on real user data is key to improving your landing page’s performance.

By following these steps, you can create a tech landing page that captures attention and persuades visitors to take the desired action, effectively contributing to your product’s success.

5 Best Examples of Tech Landing Pages

The 5 best examples of tech landing pages with various main objectives below showcase how theoretical fundamentals cover real-life cases. Learn how to design your tech landing page and gather ready-to-use key takeaways to create your own page.

1. Starlink

The Starlink landing page showcases a great design inspiration for creating a high-converting technology landing page for services. The hero section includes catchy headlines, a background picture showcasing new technology in real-life use, and an outstanding CTA indicating urgency. Next to the CTA button, visitors can type the localization to check the availability of Starlink technology.

technology landing page

The page includes high-quality visuals, immersive video, and captivating descriptions, which are introduced by catchy headlines. This combination of content, tailored for the target audience, directs visitors straight to the primary CTA, repeated at the bottom of a landing page. The page cleverly showcases the value of a new technology, attracting users with a special offer.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Stunning design,
  • High-quality visuals and videos,
  • Concise, informative descriptions, including storytelling elements,
  • Outstanding CTA button,
  • Availability map,
  • Clear pricing.

Improvement areas:

  • Social proof – the page could include ratings and reviews from previous and current users, which build trust and credibility among visitors, ultimately leading to higher conversion.

Pick a template for your tech landing page and customize it easily with Landingi – show your technology potential and engage visitors to give it a trial!

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2. Apple TV+

The Apple TV+ landing page was created to promote the technology of a streaming service featuring Apple Originals and compatible devices. Background video and high-quality images of available titles make the page immersive for movie lovers. Still, at the same time, its layout is clear and intuitive, thanks to strategic white space. The combination of well-selected visual content and catchy headlines, supplemented with concise descriptions, direct users to complete the CTA.

app landing page examples

The CTA button itself is engaging, straightforward with its messaging, and visible, thanks to its strategic placement. While the visual part is interactive and animated, the information sections are clear and static, which balances the whole perfectly. The page also includes a FAQ section, where visitors can find detailed information about the technology.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Attractive yet intuitive layout,
  • Outstanding CTA button,
  • High-quality visuals and immersive background video,
  • Concise descriptions,
  • FAQ section,
  • Clear pricing.

Improvement areas:

  • Page loading speed – although the page is engaging, it should be better optimized for mobile devices and improved for page loading speed.

To promote your technology, choose the perfect template from Landingi’s gallery and customize it effortlessly with its drag-and-drop editor – it takes minutes and brings awesome results!

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The TSMC technology symposium landing page is a perfect example of promoting an event in the technology industry. Its layout is clear, including well-selected headlines and written content. Adequate, high-quality animation in the hero section builds interest among the target audience. The CTA button is outstanding with its design and includes straightforward messaging, indicating urgency.

software company app landing page

This technology landing page, created for event promotion, includes the agenda and benefits section that informs the audience about the subject of the symposium at the same time. Social media buttons allow visitors to find more information and dive into the brand’s world within their SM channels.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Clear and intuitive layout,
  • Attention-grabbing animation,
  • Minimized descriptions,
  • Agenda,
  • Benefits section,
  • Outstanding CTA button.

Improvement areas:

  • Speakers section – adding a speakers section with widely-known industry specialists would boost engagement and improve the informative side of an event landing page.

Promote your tech event with a SaaS Webinar template – use your brand’s colors, create an irresistible offer, and boost engagement with a countdown widget.

great landing page for tech event promotion

4. AMD

The AMD technology landing page created to promote the Ryzen™ Threadripper™ processors is another example that can be your design inspiration. Its clear layout leads visitors toward informative sections supplemented with high-quality visuals and immersive videos. This click-through landing page has one goal – direct users to complete the CTA and gather leads.

tech landing page examples

This page, although it seems lengthy, provides a professional overview of a product. It includes comparison tables, technical specification tables, and visual charts showcasing technical performance data. These technical, informative sections are supplemented with attractive, persuasive content. The page also includes testimonials from industry-related customers, boosting visitors’ engagement.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Long landing page design,
  • Attractive visuals and video,
  • Informative sections with technical specification tables,
  • Persuasive, well-written content,
  • Testimonials,
  • Outstanding CTA.

Improvement areas:

  • Intuitiveness – although the page is both informative and engaging, it should highlight the main CTA button more, making it an intuitive step for visitors.

Pick the Revolution Product template from Landingi’s gallery and customize it with its editor to promote your solution.

professional solution technology landing page, web templates

5. IBM

The IBM creative page created to promote Quantum Summit attracts visitors thanks to its clear layout and monochromatic theme in the hero section, changing into a modern color palette in further parts of the page. Chosen purples in color psychology refer to the future and innovation, which perfectly fits the technology page.

tech landing page examples

The CTA button is well-placed, with an outstanding design and straightforward messaging. The concise but informative descriptions captivate users’ attention while carefully selected visuals, presenting a modern, minimalistic approach, perfectly supplement the page’s design.

Key takeaways to learn from this example:

  • Clear layout,
  • Compelling headlines,
  • Immersive visuals and animations,
  • Well-matched colors,
  • Outstanding CTA button,
  • Informative content.

Improvement areas:

  • Mobile responsiveness – the page should be better optimized for mobile devices, and page load speed should be improved to ensure a seamless experience across all devices and minimize bounce rates.

Choose the Virtual Summit template from Landingi’s template gallery, show your innovative approach, and attract users to complete your CTA – high-converting landing pages are within your reach.

technology landing page template

4 Tech Landing Page Best Practices

To create a perfect tech landing page, implement the 4 best practices that allow you to gather leads, engage visitors in your technology world, and drive high conversions. These practices are designed to optimize your landing page for maximum performance, transforming casual browsers into committed leads or customers.

#1 Incorporate testimonials or social proof

The first best practice for a tech landing page is to implement testimonials or other social proof elements. Showcasing success stories, testimonials, or endorsements from reputable sources or satisfied customers, efficiently builds trust and brand credibility.

Take a look at the example below:

great landing page example

Even a simple section with reviews from satisfied customers can enhance visitors’ trust in your product or service. If possible, show award badges on the landing page – this way, you will build the value of your brand among potential customers and, ultimately, increase conversions.

#2 Make your CTA outstanding

The second best practice for a tech landing page is to make your CTA outstanding. Ensure the button contrasts well with the entire page’s color theme and is consistent with your brand visual identity as well. However, its design can’t be flashy and overwhelming – you have to find a good balance to achieve the best results.

Take a look at the example below:

tech landing page design inspiration

Messaging also matters, so keep it short, engaging, and straightforward. If possible, indicate urgency within your button message. Alternatively, you can use just shape, for instance, an arrow or a “play” icon, without wording the intention – it gathers attention and encourages action.

#3 Include video content

The third best practice for a tech landing page is to include video content. It can be an immersive background video, a use case video, or the one with testimonials. Enabling autoplay can be a great decision, as users, especially from mobile traffic, are used to short video content from SM giants – an autoplay video quickly grabs their attention, promising something interesting or valuable.

Take a look at the example below:

tech landing page most important element

A video is one of the most important elements of each high-converting landing page. Including videos is the best option to boost conversions, as internet users prefer watching short films instead of reading lengthy written content. Videos allow you to tell more in a matter of seconds – remember that most effective videos last no longer than 2 minutes, and the optimal video duration is 45 sec.

Video content works well in increasing conversion rates, but it must be short. On average, viewers will watch 75% of a video if it’s under 1 minute long, according to Wistia statistics.

#4 Use popups

The fourth best practice for a tech landing page is to use a popup encouraging to subscribe to a newsletter. In a technology world, nothing is more important than being up-to-date with innovations, so the best option for lead-generation purposes is to use a simple popup with a short form.

Take a look at the example below:

tech landing page customer base

Give visitors a simple path to join your newsletter community – you can choose a pop-up display scenario, implementing an exit intent pop-up or a scroll depth pop-up. Conduct A/B testing to discover which scenario works best and use the insights to optimize your page further. One thing is sure – a popup with a short form is one of the most effective lead-gathering tools in digital marketing.

In under two years, Sumo [email capture tool] users gathered over 23.6 million email addresses using popups, according to their statistics. It means popups still work, allowing you to expand your marketing strategies.

How Can I Optimize My Tech Landing Page for Higher Conversion Rates?

To optimize your tech landing page for higher conversion rates, focus on refining your value proposition to be as clear and compelling as possible, enhance your CTA button visibility and attractiveness, utilize A/B testing to experiment with different page elements, and ensure your page design is responsive across devices. Learn the following 6 optimization tips to achieve the best results:

1. Find the design balance

Firstly, find the design balance and focus on its usability and attractiveness. Your tech landing page design should prioritize simplicity, readability, and navigation ease. Use a clean layout, readable fonts, and a color scheme that aligns with your brand while facilitating readability. Ensure the design is responsive, providing a seamless experience across all devices and screen sizes. A visually appealing, user-friendly design can significantly impact the visitor’s decision to engage with your CTA.

2. Optimize CTA buttons

Secondly, optimize CTA buttons. They should be clearly visible and placed strategically throughout the landing page. Use action-oriented, persuasive language for the CTA text, and consider using colors that stand out against the background to draw attention. Testing different CTA placements and wording can help identify what works best for your audience.

3. Optimize loading speed

Thirdly, optimize loading speed. Page loading speed is a critical factor in user experience. A slow-loading page can increase bounce rates and negatively impact your conversion rates. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minify CSS and JavaScript files to improve loading times. Use tools like PageSpeed Insights to find pain points and improve your page’s load time without guessing.

4. Conduct A/B tests

Fourthly, conduct A/B tests and regularly experiment with various landing page elements, such as headlines, CTAs, images, and layout designs. A/B testing allows you to compare different page versions to see which performs better. This data-driven approach ensures that your optimizations are based on actual user behavior rather than assumptions.

5. Incorporate SEO practices

Fifthly, incorporate SEO practices and ensure your landing page is optimized for search engines to increase visibility. Use relevant keywords, optimize meta tags, and create high-quality content that addresses your audience’s needs. SEO can drive targeted traffic to your landing page, increasing the chances of conversion.

6. Track and Analyze Performance

Sixthly, tack and analyze performance – use external analytics tools or choose a multifunctional landing page platform, like Landingi, to track your landing page’s performance. Monitor metrics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and average time on the page to understand how users interact with your page. EventTracker from Landingi allows to track user behavior and gather insights in one dashboard. This data will help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your landing page over time.

Implementing these strategies can enhance the effectiveness of your tech landing page, leading to increased engagement, a better user experience, and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

What Are the Key Elements of an Effective Tech Landing Page?

An effective tech landing page is a mix of key elements, like eyecatching visual elements, compelling headlines with creative but informative content, and a welldesigned layout, all showcasing unique selling propositions in an engaging way to complete the CTA. Familiarize yourself with the basic components that make up a successful tech landing page, shown below:

1. Clear headline

The first key element of a tech landing page is the clear headline. it should instantly convey the core value proposition of the product or service, grabbing the visitor’s attention and encouraging them to read further.

2. Engaging subheadline

The second key element of a tech landing page is an engaging subheadline that complements the headline by providing additional details and attractive information about the product or service, further enticing the visitor to explore the page.

3. Compelling visuals

The third key element of a tech landing page is its stunning visual side. High-quality images or videos that showcase the product or service in action can significantly enhance the appeal of the landing page. Visuals help to communicate the benefits and features of the tech solution quickly.

4. Convincing value proposition

The fourth key element of a tech landing page is a convincing value proposition. This, if well-articulated, explains how the tech product or service solves a problem or improves the user’s situation. It’s essential to distinguish your offering from competitors and ensure visitors your offer fits their needs or expectations.

5. Strong CTA

The fifth key element of a tech landing page is a strong CTA. This critical component guides visitors on what to do next. It should be visually distinct and use persuasive language encouraging action, such as “Get Started Now” or “Notify Me”.

6. Social proof

The sixth key element of a tech landing page is social proof. Incorporating customer testimonials, case studies, or the logos of well-known clients builds credibility and trust. Social proof demonstrates the effectiveness and reliability of the tech offering. Consider adding award badges and ratings from well-known platforms to strengthen your value proposition.

7. Features and benefits

The seventh key element of a tech landing page is the features and benefits section. A detailed list highlighting the product’s key features and benefits helps visitors understand what makes your offering unique and valuable, encouraging them to take action.

8. FAQ section

The eighth key element of a tech landing page is a FAQ section that addresses potential fears and objectives visitors may have. By answering frequently asked questions, you can supplement the page with detailed information without overwhelming visitors with lengthy content.

9. Responsive design

The ninth key element of a tech landing page is a responsive design. With various devices being used to access websites, a responsive design ensures the landing page looks great and functions well on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. It’s your goal to provide a seamless experience also for mobile traffic, as it particularly drives your success.

These elements, when effectively combined and optimized, create a powerful tech landing page that can captivate visitors, convey the value of your offering, and convert interest into action.

What Is the Best Tech Landing Page Builder?

The best tech landing page builder is Landingi, a platform that allows you to build landing pages, experiment with various landing page versions, track user behavior, and optimize your page in each aspect. Landingi is well-known for its user-friendly builder and perfectly prepared digital marketing toolkit, providing the best solution for both inexperienced individuals and professional marketers.

Landingi is the best tool to start your journey of crafting your own landing page. You can start the process by choosing a pattern in the template library. Each template you find is designed to maximize conversions, so it’s enough to customize its visual side and complete the content to get closer to your conversion goals.

The page creation process is just the beginning. Still, thanks to A/B testing features, an EventTracker tool, and AI Assistance, you can turn a good landing page into a powerful digital marketing tool. As regular optimization is a must, the Landingi platform delivers all the necessary tools to help you achieve the best results with minimal effort.

With an A/B testing tool, you can experiment with various versions of your tech landing page and measure its effectiveness. EventTracker feature allows you to track user behavior and gather essential data in a built-in dashboard to implement further optimization. Side features, like AI Assistance, forms, popups, and widgets, allow you to optimize your tech landing page for higher search engine visibility, cover user expectations, and generate more leads for further campaigns.

The Landingi platform is well-equipped, budget-friendly, and definitely the best option for individuals. Still, its advanced features, invented to support marketers and agencies in their digital marketing campaigns, make it the best choice among professional landing page builders.


In the dynamic realm of technology marketing, a meticulously designed landing page is the crucial link between tech companies and their target audience. As technology captivates our minds, your tech landing page should equally capture the essence of innovation and efficiency. However, the journey doesn’t end with aesthetics, as the key is regular optimization – from engaging designs and compelling content to effective SEO strategies – you can craft digital spaces that not only mirror your tech brand’s innovation but also boost engagement and drive conversions.

You can transform a basic page into a high-performance tech landing page with the right tools and gathered insights. Take your chance and start crafting your tech landing page now – try Landingi now, and change the usual page into a creative masterpiece that drives conversions!

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Martyna Targosz

Content Writer

Martyna Targosz is a marketing content expert with over 3 years of experience in digital marketing. She specializes in landing page creation and conversion optimization. She is currently being mentored by Błażej Abel, CEO of Landingi, a leading company in landing page technology.
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