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Home Blog Healthcare Landing Page: Definition, How to Create & 8 Examples

Healthcare Landing Page: Definition, How to Create & 8 Examples

Healthcare landing pages serve as a crucial tool for engaging new customers in the medical field. Check out different examples and learn the steps to create landing pages that win over your audience.

Do you know anyone who hasn’t searched the Internet for a solution to a health issue or medical problem ever? It’s a rhetorical question, of course. Online searching has become the first aid of our times. More than 60% of Internet users treat googling as an instant help. That is why those who are involved in the healthcare business, cannot simply ignore the fact that digital presence is a powerful player and its weapon can be a high-converting landing page.

Yet, not every landing page will prove equally effective. In this article, we present the best healthcare landing page examples. Here is the full list:

1. Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic

2. Double Check

3. Visar Vienna 2019

4. Harley Medical Group

5. Diabdis

6. Projekt Zdrowie

7. Optimax

8. Dr Goziem

Before we get started, a quick overview of the best practices we’ll cover below (especially for those who are in a hurry):

  • Use responsive design to ensure your healthcare landing page adapts to any screen, device, or browser, meeting the expectations of a mobile-first society.
  • Avoid unnecessary content by following minimalistic trends and focusing on relevant elements to keep your landing page tidy and user-focused.
  • Include a clear and visible call to action (CTA) to guide visitors towards taking action quickly and easily.
  • Direct users towards their goal by providing straightforward information and simplifying the steps needed to reach their desired outcome.
  • Add comprehensive contact information to your landing page to make it easy for visitors to find and reach your healthcare business.
  • Utilize landing page templates to quickly and efficiently create high-quality, customizable landing pages for busy healthcare institutions.
  • Optimize your creations by utilizing A/B testing and event tracking to continuously improve the performance of your healthcare landing pages.

Now, let’s get to it!

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What is a Healthcare Landing Page?

A healthcare landing page is a dedicated web page designed specifically for the healthcare industry. It serves as a focal point for marketing campaigns, patient engagement, and information dissemination. This page is tailored to address the needs and interests of potential patients or clients, offering clear, concise information about healthcare services, treatments, or facilities.

By providing a streamlined user experience, a healthcare landing page aims to convert visitors into leads or patients, ensuring that essential information is easily accessible and encouraging interaction with the healthcare provider.

How do I Create a Healthcare Landing Page?

To create a landing page for a healthcare business, you need to focus on both the technical and creative aspects. This includes choosing the right template, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and crafting engaging content. Below are the essential steps to guide you through this process:

  1. Define Your Goal: What do you want visitors to do after landing on your page? Book an appointment, download a brochure, sign up for a webinar?
  2. Target Your Audience: Who are you trying to reach with this landing page? Tailor your message and visuals to their specific needs and concerns.
  3. Craft a Compelling Headline: Grab attention with a clear and concise headline that highlights the benefit you offer.
  4. Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Explain how your services can improve your audience’s health and well-being.
  5. Use High-Quality visuals: Include professional photos or videos that resonate with your target audience and build trust.
  6. Keep it Simple and Easy to Read: Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon, and break up text with bullet points and visuals.
  7. Include a Strong Call to Action: Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do with a clear and prominent CTA button.
  8. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your landing page looks good and functions flawlessly on all devices.

6 Examples of Effective Medical Landing Pages

To help you implement these tips, we present examples of healthcare landing pages doing a good job according to landing page design, user experience, and the actual contents.

1. Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic

What looks great?

The headline copy clearly says what Fedorov Restore Vision Clinic does, and precisely explains its mission and medical approach. Although landing page design is modest, it definitely refers to clinic’s aim and service.

What could be improved?

Two CTA’ s in the header section is too much. Too many options of actions may distract users and would probably lead to the conversion rate decrease. Instead of using double CTA buttons try to draw users’ attention with a pop-up

Also, the contact forms seem to be a little bit overloaded and too long. The best way would be to build a simple funnel. Don’t let the visitors get confused while filling all those fields at once.

2. Double Check

What looks great?

This landing page design is pure, subtle and highly eye-catching. Relevant images and consistent layout make a great first impression. The phone number is a click-to-call. You may set an appointment immediately by connecting via FaceTime or another defined communicator. But – as expected – there is a thorn in this rose…

What could be improved?

CTA button is not as powerful as it should be here. It doesn’t redirect to a pricing plan, timetable, contact form, or anything like it. Also, a too heavy and overloaded copy may not convince users to read it from cover to cover. The things that are missed here are bullets or simple icons to present the most valuable benefits related to the offer.

3. Visar Vienna 2019

What looks great?

A high-quality image as a cover always looks good. That’s a right move towards drawing visitors’ attention. Simple icons showing the most important aspects of the event are centered and connected with black and white photos – this makes a great impression of layout tidiness.

What could be improved?

The header doesn’t show at all that it is a landing page associated with a medical event. Using the events’ full name in a header section will make it more professional. Although “Register now” is a click button, it doesn’t redirect visitors to the registration form.

In fact, a lot of steps have to be taken to sign up for this conference. Too many, that’s for sure. If you need to lead users through a process of selling or registration, try building funnels. This will work in your favor and should not discourage visitors from filling neverending forms.

4. Harley Medical Group

What looks great?

The usage of a large picture and motion in a header is a unique method to draw visitors’ attention and engage them to take any action on a landing page. Headline copy delivers a clear statement about the most popular aesthetic surgery procedure.

The CTA button is redirecting to a page where users get comprehensive information about the topic they are interested in, and where they can book a consultation. This medical landing page has a clear and subtle design, but a couple of things could be done differently to make it better when it comes to user experience.

What could be improved?

Less copy and a more approachable procedures description may be a cure. The copy seems to be a bit too long for someone who has probably just started searching for information about aesthetic procedures. Adding bullets to highlight the list of features will allow users to skim and quickly learn the information about the procedure they are looking for.

5. Diabdis

What looks great? The header section is a good example of design and copy relevance with the products and services offered by Diabdis. For those who have searched the solution for their problem, the headline copy gives a direct answer: “Take control over diabetes”. The header also consists of icons showing product benefits – it gives visitors instant and more precise information about the Diabdis services. What could be improved? “+” icon is not convincing enough to click. Instead of the “+” symbol, a highlighted CTA button could draw much more attention. A compelling call to action may lead to an increase of the placed orders for services.

6. Projekt Zdrowie

What looks great?

Projekt Zdrowie’s medical landing page makes a great first impression. This nutrition center starts their landing page with a clear and quite memorable copy: “We shape good habits”. It refers to services offered by Projekt Zdrowie.

Simple and straightforward CTA “Make an appointment” navigates directly to the section where a location and timetable information are given – all this to save time for visitors, who make up their minds fast.

What could be improved?

For starters: the listing of features and services could be A/B tested. The most important information gets lost in a variety and multitude of graphic elements, and the green background doesn’t help to bring out the main benefits of using the services of this nutrition center.

7. Optimax

What looks great?

The colors on this healthcare landing page are vivid and sharp, just like the vision of a patient after the treatment offered here. This picture expresses clear and relevant promise which is a great starting point. The section with benefits highlighted with icons and tiles persuades those who are hesitant and still choosing a medical service provider. Facts and numbers exploited in the process are strong arguments.

What could be improved?

The rating section could also be expanded to include a few testimonials with reviews by real people. Trustpilot’s and Google’s stars can speak to potential customers’ imagination even better if they come with a bit of human touch. Especially since the headline of the section screams: “What Our Customers Say About Us?”. Your patients, for sure would like to know the answer to this question without

8. Dr Goziem

What looks great?

The healthcare landing page by Dr Goziem looks clean and instills tranquility. It entices the user with its warm colors and no distractions (there are very few elements all around). This immediately enables a clear focus on the target action. The CTA is well-exposed with a rectangular frame at the top right corner of the page.

What could be improved?

Three things. Firstly, the color psychology. Do these colors really fit the medical field? The beige is rather associated with the aesthetics, well-being, interior design, etc. Secondly, no unique value proposition or benefits (neither in the headline nor in the separate section). In other words, no reason for the user to choose exactly Dr Gozien. Lastly, the name of the provider “Dr Gozsiem FACIAL AESTHETICS AND SKIN” is positioned too low. It should be moved to the top bar, as it the current version it pushes the hero image below the fold line.

Healthcare Landing Page Template Examples

Healthcare landing page templates simplify the creation of engaging pages, making it easier to highlight critical services and treatments. This is crucial because a well-designed landing page can significantly enhance user experience, leading to higher conversion rates. Find below three mobile-friendly kits from Landingi’s library achieving the best conversions in their industry category.

“Call Doctor” Template

The “Call Doctor” landing page template has a clean and professional design tailored for pharmacies and medical practices. The template features a prominent call-to-action button for scheduling appointments or consultations, ensuring ease of access for patients. It includes sections for :

  • detailing services,
  • doctor information,
  • patient testimonials,
  • and contact details.

“Training for Medical Personnel” Template

The “Training for Medical Personnel” landing page template is designed to cater to healthcare training programs. It prominently features sections for:

  • course descriptions,
  • instructor profiles,
  • and training schedules.

The template employs a professional and clean design, emphasizing clarity and ease of navigation. Key elements include:

  • a primary call-to-action button for registration,
  • visually appealing icons,
  • and a structured layout that organizes information logically.

“Dietary Supplements” Template

The “Dietary Supplements” landing page template from Landingi is tailored to businesses offering health and nutritional products. The design is modern and vibrant, featuring a prominent call-to-action button for product purchases or inquiries. Key sections include:

  • detailed product descriptions,
  • benefits of the supplements,
  • customer testimonials,
  • and a FAQ section to address common questions.

What is the Best Healthcare Landing Page Builder?

The best healthcare landing page builder is Landingi due to many templates crafted specifically for different types of health services and medical products. Additionally, the platform has the most extensive conversion rate optimization toolstack (with the most powerful testing capabilities and micro-conversion tracking at the forefront), which is crucial in very competitive industries (like healthcare).

How can I Optimize my Healthcare Landing Page for Higher Conversion Rates?

To optimize your healthcare landing page for a higher conversion rate and connect with patients or clients more effectively, you should craft catchy headlines and perfect CTA, address mobile and loading speed issues, create targeted content, and, finally, rely on data obtained from optimization software. Let’s expand all of this a bit:

  1. Use Clear and Compelling Headlines: Grab your visitors’ attention with headlines that clearly convey the value and purpose of your healthcare services.
  2. Implement Strong CTAs: Ensure your call-to-action buttons are prominent, compelling, and guide visitors towards taking the desired action, such as booking an appointment.
  3. Optimize for Mobile Devices: Make sure your landing page is fully responsive and provides an excellent user experience on smartphones and tablets.
  4. Include Trust Elements: Add testimonials, reviews, and trust badges to build credibility and reassure visitors of your healthcare expertise.
  5. A/B Test Elements: Continuously test different versions of headlines, images, and CTAs to determine which combinations result in the highest conversion rates.
  6. Track User Behavior: Use analytics tools to monitor user interactions on your landing page. Understanding how visitors navigate and engage with your content can provide insights for further optimization.
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What are the Key Elements of an Effective Healthcare Landing Page?

The key elements of an effective healthcare landing page include a compelling headline, engaging and informative content, a prominent call-to-action (CTA), and a well-thought contact form or button. Additionally, it should feature high-quality images that resonate with your audience and testimonials or reviews to build trust, and contact information that is easy to find.

What is the Average Healthcare Landing Page Conversion Rate?

The average conversion rate for healthcare landing pages sits around 3.2%, based on data from Ruler Analytics. However, this number can vary depending on how well a landing page is optimized. Top performers in the healthcare industry can achieve conversion rates as high as 21.1%, showcasing the significant potential for improvement through strategic design and targeting

What is the Healthcare Landing Page Builder?

Healthcare landing page builder provides specialized tools to create dedicated web pages for healthcare companies, clinics, hospitals, and other medical businesses. These builders offer customizable templates tailored to the healthcare industry, making it easy to design pages that highlight specific services, promote medical events, or capture patient information. They often include features like drag-and-drop editors, mobile optimization, and integration with appointment scheduling systems or other external software used in the medical industry.

What are the Healthcare Landing Page Best Practices?

The best practices for healthcare landing pages include optimizing design for mobiles, crafting targeted content (plus avoiding excessive information) and clear CTA, enabling audience focus on the key action, and perfecting contact information. Furthermore, using an adequate page template and optimizing the published landing page would be particularly beneficial. Let’s look for more details.

1. Responsive Design

As we all are a mobile society now, we should think “mobile-first” when it comes to supplying information about our business and professional services. Nowadays, a mobile-friendly website is a must-have to keep your business alive. If you stick to Responsive Web Design (RWD) – an approach of creating websites with an ability to adapt to any screen, device, or browser – you will meet the mobile society’s expectations. Responsive design is especially crucial in health care and medical business – your clients and patients must feel comfortable when navigating websites.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Content

Follow the trends of minimalism and tidy healthcare landing page design. Highlight the most relevant elements. If something doesn’t lead to the point of your healthcare landing page, it means it is probably unnecessary. All content must be user-focused and tell a story about what your business is up to.

3. Include a Clear Call to Action

Your healthcare landing page should include a clear and visible CTA – a short sentence or a catchy word on a button that ends the deal. CTA copy’s role is to convince visitors to act – it must be visible and easy to spot on your landing page. Your visitors shouldn’t look for information for too long.

Proper CTA design will be a solution to attract users’ attention and let them act faster. In addition to the copy, the background color of the button can make the users focus faster on CTA. The fewer difficulties, the less disappointed visitors. Simplicity, proper design, and directness of CTA will bring focus on what’s significant and will reduce unnecessary distractions.

4. Point the User in One Direction

The first aid rule number one is directness. The same rule applies to the ultimate goal of landing pages – to deliver information promptly and precisely. Don’t let your landing page user get confused. Visitors should easily find the information they’re looking for and should be directly led to the point of their interest.

Whether it is setting an appointment in a medical facility, purchasing medical products or signing up for a medical event, users should easily find the information and take simple steps to reach the end and be satisfied with your landing page service. Focus on facilitating your landing page so visitors may take instant actions according to their interests. If you run a medical facility, focus on making the contact form easy and simple to fill.

Do not overload forms with too many fields – instead, try building funnels in order to lead the visitors smoothly and directly where they need to get. Don’t let them get lost or be misguided.

5. Add Contact Information

While the promotion of your healthcare business takes place online, the actual services usually take place in a physical location. Whether you are a dentist, a GP, an oncologist, or any other type of medical professional, you have an address and means to contact your business. Your landing page should contain all this information so that the visitors know exactly where to find you and how to reach you.

In fact, the latter can be made even easier. Depending on the goal of your landing page, you can add a contact form or a section with a calendar. The visitors will leave their information for you to contact them or they will set up an appointment on the page straight away. The easier the process is for a potential patient, the better.

6. Use Landing Page Templates

Private hospitals, medical clinics, and dental businesses are extremely busy healthcare-related institutions, thus they need quick marketing processes. Lucky them, because there are plenty of landing page templates in Landingi that are easy to customize. They are also created by professional designers, so you can be confident about their quality.

7. Optimize Your Creations

To maximize the effectiveness of your healthcare landing pages, it is essential to continually optimize your designs. One of the best ways to do this is through A/B testing, which involves creating multiple versions of a landing page to see which one performs better. By testing different headlines, images, CTAs, and layouts, you can determine what resonates most with your audience. Additionally, implementing event tracking can provide valuable insights into user behavior on your page, allowing you to see which elements are working and which need improvement. This data-driven approach ensures your landing pages are always evolving and improving to meet the needs of your visitors.

Lastly, if social media or paid campaigns aren’t the only channels for acquiring visitors, you should try to drive traffic via search engines. Enhancing your SEO strategy gives you long-term, substantial value, as its effects – if the optimization is done properly – last at least a few months. Sometimes, it even eliminates the need for performing ongoing ad campaigns, which saves your money.

Build Landing Pages For Your Healthcare Business With Landingi

The best landing pages serve people and deliver what visitors are exactly looking for – no matter if you run a medical facility, sell medical equipment, or organize healthcare-related events. Pay attention to the fact that the information and the way it is given must be as simple and instant as possible.

Each step a visitor makes on a landing page should lead to a solution to their problem, provide tips or meet the visitors’ requirements in any other way. While creating a healthcare or medical landing page, be specific, precise, and adjust all needed elements to your audience’s needs.

You’ve gained some theoretical knowledge from this article, and your next step is to make it real and build your own healthcare landing page. Try using the Landingi platform – a very intuitive drag-and-drop tool to create high-converting, well-designed, and outstanding healthcare landing pages. Try out also the platform’s built-in tools for AI and SEO content generation, testing and user behavior tracking. All of these will enable you to build not only a good-looking page but also an optimized and efficient one. Build it and let it become the first aid for your visitors – not only a placebo.

Now, you can create and publish your first landing page for free!

Marcin Hylewski

Content Writer

Marcin Hylewski is a marketing content expert with over 5 years of expertise in content creation and has been involved in digital marketing for over a year. He writes about creating landing pages and optimizing their conversion rates. Currently, he is under the mentorship of Błażej Abel, the CEO of Landingi, a front-runner in landing page solutions.
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