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Home Blog Non-profit Landing Page Examples: 13 Ideas

Non-profit Landing Page Examples: 13 Ideas

Non-profit landing pages play a crucial role in attracting support and donations. Explore our compilation of 13 inspiring examples to learn about the best donation pages, understand their purpose, and grasp their importance in furthering non-profit goals.
Last updated:
April 22, 2024

Charities and foundations increasingly use the internet to amplify their message and engage with supporters. As a result, non-profit landing pages have become a critical tool in online fundraising and advocacy campaigns.

If you’re looking to create a donation landing page, there are numerous non-profit landing page templates available to help guide you in creating a visually appealing and effective page that encourages donations. Reviewing landing page examples from other successful non-profit organizations can also be helpful. By studying what has worked for others, you can gain insights into creating an impactful message and optimizing your digital presence in the fundraising sector.

We’ve compiled 13 non-profit landing pages for inspiration and best practices. This article delves into donation landing pages and discusses their purpose, importance, and how to craft effective messages.

For a good start, let’s take a look at several vital strategies that help create a successful non-profit landing page:

  • clear and compelling message,
  • emotional storytelling,
  • strong visual elements,
  • simplified design,
  • clear CTA,
  • trust-building elements,
  • mobile optimization,
  • and testing.

Below, you can find a list of 13 charity landing pages we are going to analyze:

  1. International Rescue Committee
  2. Charity: Water
  3. Szlachetna Paczka
  4. Help for Ukraine (Biedronka)
  6. Save the Children
  7. Feeding America
  8. GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital)
  9. Sightsavers
  10. UNHCR
  11. UNFPA
  12. Doctors Without Borders
  13. Rainforest Trust

What Is a Non-profit Landing Page?

Non-profit landing pages are websites that convert casual visitors into committed supporters and advocates. They streamline the user’s journey, focusing solely on a single, clear call-to-action (CTA), be it donating, signing up for a newsletter, or volunteering. This focused approach significantly reduces distractions and potential confusion, guiding the visitor towards making a meaningful connection with the cause.

A non-profit landing page allows organizations to tailor their messaging for specific campaigns or audiences. This customization ensures that the content resonates deeply with the intended demographic, whether it’s addressing young volunteers, long-time donors, or new visitors.

Its role in amplifying impact, building community, and fostering sustained support is fundamental in the digital age where attention is fleeting and competition for engagement is high.

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Why Do I Need a Non-profit Landing Page?

Non-profit landing pages are crucial for converting visitors into supporters. They streamline the user journey, reducing distractions and honing the message to resonate with the target audience. By providing a clear call-to-action (CTA), these pages enhance user engagement, increase donations, and foster community involvement, making them an indispensable tool in a non-profit’s digital strategy.

Nonprofit landing pages are a useful tool for social media campaigns or newsletters. You can redirect potential donors to these pages and communicate with them in a personalized and specific manner. The efficacy of such activities is demonstrated by the Double the Donation website (Nonprofit Fundraising Statistics to Boost Results in 2023), which provides the following statistics:

  • 32% of donors are most inspired to give via social media, with Facebook being the most impactful platform (56%), followed by Instagram (21%) and Twitter (13%).
  • 48% of donors indicate that regular email communications are most likely to keep them engaged and inspire repeat donations.
  • Segmenting digital campaigns can lead to revenue growth of up to 760% compared to non-segmented campaigns.
  • Personalized emails see average open rates that are more than 82% higher than generic emails.

Reasons for having a landing page dedicated to a charity or foundation can be summarized in 10 following points:

  1. Targeted Messaging: Donation landing pages allow for the delivery of specific, targeted messages tailored to individual campaigns or initiatives. This focused approach ensures that the content directly addresses the intended audience, increasing relevance and impact.
  2. Increased Donations: By providing a clear, direct path to donation, these pages simplify the giving process, encouraging more visitors to contribute financially to the cause.
  3. Enhanced Engagement: Landing pages are designed to engage visitors through compelling storytelling, emotional appeals, and persuasive calls-to-action, fostering deeper connections between the audience and the organization.
  4. Improved Campaign Tracking: They enable organizations to track the effectiveness of specific campaigns through analytics, helping to understand donor behavior and refine future strategies.
  5. Greater Visibility: A well-optimized landing page can increase an organization’s online visibility, attracting more traffic and raising awareness for the cause.
  6. Streamlined User Experience: These pages reduce distractions by focusing solely on the campaign’s objective, leading to a more streamlined and effective user experience.
  7. Building Credibility: Nonprofit landing pages can showcase an organization’s achievements, endorsements, and transparency, building trust and credibility among potential supporters.
  8. Flexibility and Adaptability: They offer the flexibility to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, such as urgent fundraising needs or shifting campaign focuses, keeping the content relevant and timely.
  9. Segmentation and Personalization: Nonprofit landing pages allow for segmentation and personalization, catering to different audience groups based on their interests and previous interactions with the organization.
  10. Social Sharing and Virality: Donation pages are designed for easy sharing on social media, increasing the potential for virality and reaching a broader audience.

How Do I Create a Non-Profit Landing Page?

To create a landing page for a donation process, define the campaign goal, understand the target audience, craft a compelling narrative, design for clarity and ease of use, and incorporate persuasive CTAs.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the process of creating websites for nonprofit organizations:

Define Your Objective

Start by clearly defining the purpose of your landing page. Is it to gather donations, recruit volunteers, promote an event, or raise awareness about a specific issue? Your objective will guide every element of your landing page, from the content to the call-to-action (CTA).

Understand Your Audience

Knowing who you are speaking to and what motivates them can make a big difference in the success of your website. By understanding your audience’s concerns and interests, you can craft a message that resonates with them and prompts action. This can lead to increased engagement and conversions when a visitor lands on your website.

Utilize a Landing Page Builder

Landing page builders, like Landingi, offer user-friendly interfaces and pre-designed templates, making it easier to create professional-looking pages without needing any coding skills. Many of them come with integrated analytics, SEO tools, and customization options. Select a builder that best fits your organization’s needs and budget.

Craft a Compelling Narrative

Use storytelling and social proof to connect with your audience. Share success stories, testimonials, or case studies that illustrate the impact of your work. A good landing page includes a compelling narrative that can evoke emotions and drive engagement.

Design for Clarity and Impact

The design of your fundraising landing page should be clean and focused, with a logical flow that guides the visitor towards your CTA. Use high-quality images and videos that complement your message. Ensure the design is responsive for mobile users.

Create a Strong Call-to-Action

When it comes to raising funds, a compelling CTA can make all the difference. Including a clear donation form can also make it easy for visitors to contribute. Whether it’s “Donate Now,” “Join Us,” or “Learn More,” make sure it stands out and is easy for visitors to act upon.

Build Trust Elements

Include elements that establish credibility, such as endorsements, partner logos, media mentions, and transparent reporting (e.g. an annual report) on how funds are used. Trust is a key factor in convincing visitors to take action.

Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

To effectively convert visitors, it is not just about having well-designed landing pages, but also making sure that they are discoverable by optimizing them for search engines. This means using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt text for images.

Ensure Fast Loading Times

Page loading speed is crucial for keeping website visitors engaged, especially when they land on your page through digital advertising. Optimize images and scripts to ensure your page loads quickly.

Incorporate Analytics

To create effective nonprofit landing pages, it’s crucial to monitor their performance using tools like Google Analytics or EventTracker. By tracking metrics such as traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate, you can gain insights into visitor behavior and make necessary adjustments to improve your landing page’s performance.

Test and Iterate

Test different elements of your landing page (like headlines, images, and CTAs) to see what works best with your audience. Continuously iterate based on feedback and performance metrics. Experiment with making changes on the same page to optimize for better results.

13 Examples of Best Non-profit Landing Pages

Discover 13 landing pages designed for charitable causes and explore their strengths and areas for improvement through analysis and examples. By analyzing successful non-profit landing pages, you can identify what works and what doesn’t. This can help you create a page that effectively communicates your message and inspires visitors to take action by making more donations.

1. International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is dedicated to providing lifesaving assistance and long-term support to people affected by war, conflict, and natural disasters, helping them to survive, recover, and rebuild their lives. Its landing page exemplifies clarity and urgency in messaging, encouraging immediate action for crisis relief.

What they did well:

  • Visuals are vivid, strong, and emotional.
  • The opening statement, “Your donation can help families in Gaza survive,” immediately sets the tone for urgency and the need for action.
  • The offer of a matching gift provides added motivation for potential donors.
  • The page looks really good on mobile devices.

What could be improved:

  • The navigation menu should occupy less space.
  • More trust-building elements, partner logos, or media mentions, could increase credibility.
  • Distracting elements – media press, news, and features – do not encourage conversion.

2. Charity: Water

Charity: Water is dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities in need around the world, aiming to address the global water crisis and improve quality of life. This landing page stands out with its compelling storytelling and visual impact, driving home the importance of clean water initiatives.

What they did well:

  • Possibility of choosing between one-time donations or recurring donations is a plus.
  • Strong headline evokes positive feelings and empathy.
  • Graphic representation of fundraising progress stimulates the imagination and encourages people to donate money.
  • Lots of real-life stories are heart-stirring and build credibility.

What could be improved:

  • The beginning of a donation form is visible right away, however, the primary CTA is hidden under the fold.
  • Copy under the headline could be slightly shorter.

3. Szlachetna Paczka

Szlachetna Paczka, a Polish charity initiative, aims to provide targeted aid to families in need, focusing on the power of personalized support. This nonprofit landing page is designed to evoke empathy and action, highlighting the struggles of families in need and offering various ways to help.

What they did well:

  • The use of real-life stories, like that of Mrs. Halina, creates a strong emotional connection.
  • The use of impactful images and statistics, such as the number of families waiting for help, conveys the urgency and scale of the need.
  • The site is easy to navigate, with clear sections and a straightforward layout.

What could be improved:

  • There are four CTAs above the fold (two of them repeated in the navigation menu) – it’s way too many!
  • While the site mentions impact reports, these could be more prominently displayed to build trust and show effectiveness.
  • Further sections are busy, with lots of distracting buttons and information.

4. Help for Ukraine (Biedronka)

It’s another example of a Polish landing page. The purpose of this website is to collect donations to support Ukrainians who fled the war to Poland.

This landing page was created with Landingi, a landing page builder, known for its versatility and comprehensivity.

What they did well:

  • Headline “Wsparcie dla Ukrainy!” (Help for Ukraine!) is vivid and straightforward.
  • The colors leave no room for doubt as to what the site is about.
  • The yellow bar is designed to display the amount of collected money, serving as proof of social proof.

What could be improved:

  • There is no direct CTA above the fold.
  • Donation and help information is not so easy to find as visitors have to scroll through the page.


CAMFED, an organization focused on girls’ education, presents a landing page that encapsulates the joy and impact of supporting girls in school. This page effectively communicates the transformative power of education for individual girls and the broader societal benefits, leveraging emotional storytelling and clear messaging to engage visitors.

What they did well:

  • The headline implies that supporting the foundation will make us feel better.
  • Push notifications with information about the donation just made are fantastic social proof and incentives.
  • Compelling stories from beneficiaries, like Faiza from Ghana, personalize the cause and make the impact tangible.
  • The inclusion of statistics lends credibility and demonstrates the scope of work.

What could be improved:

  • CTA button in push notifications is hardly noticeable and disappears quickly.
  • If the navigation menu was smaller, a form with a donation button could fit in the hero section.

6. Save the Children

Save the Children Fund is dedicated to ensuring the survival, protection, and educational development of children worldwide, particularly in areas affected by conflict, disaster, and poverty. Its landing page focuses on global child welfare, emphasizing crises in regions like Gaza, West Bank, and Afghanistan.

What they did well:

  • The content effectively uses emotional appeal, focusing on children in crisis situations.
  • Providing photo attribution enhances credibility and empathy.
  • Donation form visible right in the hero section sets a clear goal for this page.
  • Offering various donation options caters to different preferences of donors.

What could be improved:

  • While the page mentions crises, including more individual stories could create a stronger emotional connection.
  • Providing more information on the long-term impact of donations could help in building a case for sustained support.

7. Feeding America

Feeding America is dedicated to ending hunger across the United States by providing meals to those in need through a nationwide network of food banks. The organization’s landing page effectively communicates the impact of donations with a clear and compelling message.

What they did well:

  • The form copy catches attention immediately highlighting that $1 equals 10 meals, making the impact of donations tangible and meaningful.
  • The minimalistic design and straightforward navigation focus the user’s attention on the donation process.
  • Having three payment options is a great advantage.

What could be improved:

  • The page could benefit from more emotional storytelling, imagery, or testimonials.
  • The CTA for donations could be made more prominent and engaging to immediately capture visitor attention.

8. GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital)

The Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Charity’s Christmas Appeal 2023 landing page is designed to encourage donations during the festive season, focusing on helping seriously ill children. It combines emotional storytelling with clear calls to action, aiming to connect with potential donors on a personal level.

What’s interesting, according to Double the Donation, “30% of annual giving happens in December, with about 10% of all annual donations coming in the last three days of the year”. GOSH’s Christmas campaign fits perfectly into this tendency.

What they did well:

  • The page effectively uses emotional storytelling, focusing on children like Henry, to create a strong emotional connection with visitors.
  • Visitors can easily choose between one-off or monthly donations, with suggested amounts for convenience.
  • The option to leave a stocking message for children at GOSH adds a personal, interactive touch.
  • Page is short and its content is focused on donation goals.

What could be improved:

  • Reducing the navigation menu’s height would improve the first impression and visibility of the hero section, especially for mobile users.
  • Incorporating more visuals or videos could make the page more engaging and emotionally compelling.

9. Sightsavers

Sightsavers charity focuses on preventing avoidable blindness and advocating for disability rights. The page balances emotional appeal with informative content, aiming to motivate visitors to contribute to their cause.

What they did well:

  • The use of impactful images and graphics aids in conveying the urgency and importance of their work.
  • Compelling stories, like that of Sanjit, create an emotional connection with the audience.
  • User-friendly layout makes it easy for visitors to learn about the charity and how to get involved.
  • The page provides detailed information on how donations are utilized.

What could be improved:

  • The page contains numerous hyperlinks and excessive information, reducing them may help in increasing conversion rates.


The UNHCR’s winter appeal landing page is designed to garner support for refugees facing harsh winter conditions. It emphasizes the urgency of the situation and the critical need for donations to provide life-saving protection, shelter, and warmth.

What they did well:

  • The use of impactful images and a clear layout enhances the appeal of the page.
  • Descriptions of how donations help in different regions (Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria) make the impact tangible.
  • Expandable FAQ section provides more details.

What could be improved:

  • Although the hero section is great, the content below the fold is a long block of text. By simplifying the content and highlighting the CTA, visitors could stay engaged longer.
  • Adding testimonials, videos, or stories from beneficiaries could further humanize the cause and encourage donations.
  • Page performance for mobile devices (according to Lighthouse) needs improvement.


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has created a landing page dedicated to their Mama Kit donation campaign. This campaign focuses on providing essential aid to new mothers and their newborns, especially those affected by conflict. UNFPA’s landing page focuses on reproductive health and rights, using statistics and stories to drive home the importance of their mission.

What they did well:

  • The very minimalist first section – with a short but impactful headline and an emotional photo – conveys a strong message.
  • FAQ section addresses common concerns about donation security, tax deduction, and other administrative queries, building trust with potential donors.
  • The donation form can accept currencies from different parts of the globe.

What could be improved:

  • It would be helpful to make the CTA in the hero section more prominent, as it currently resembles a social media share button.
  • The donation form pop-up triggered by the CTA button takes time to load. It may be faster to scroll to the form section.

12. Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders aims to provide impartial medical relief to those affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare, regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation. This organization’s landing page emphasizes the urgency of medical aid in crisis zones, using real-life scenarios to appeal for support.

What they did well:

  • The headline “Help save lives. Donate now.” is direct and compelling, creating a sense of urgency.
  • Accepting credit cards, bank accounts, and PayPal broadens accessibility for various donors.
  • The mention of a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator builds credibility and trust with potential donors.

What could be improved:

  • The form occupies the entire page, which can be overwhelming. It would be helpful to create a multi-step form and move some fields to later steps. A shorter, more streamlined donation form might reduce friction.
  • Incorporating more compelling visuals or stories about the impact of donations could emotionally engage visitors more effectively.

13. Rainforest Trust

The Rainforest Trust’s landing page for the Brazilian Amazon Fund focuses on the critical challenge of stopping deforestation in the Amazon, highlighting the urgency of protecting this vital ecosystem. It presents an opportunity to create protected areas and safeguard Indigenous territories, aiming to save 20 million acres of intact forest.

What they did well:

  • The fundraiser’s purpose is immediately conveyed through a poignant photo that takes up the entire initial view.
  • The page effectively communicates the dire situation in the Amazon, with statistics like “2.9 million acres of forest in Brazil destroyed in 2022 alone,” creating a sense of urgency.
  • The objective to save 20 million acres of intact forest and lock up 6 billion metric tons of CO2 is featured, providing clarity on the impact of donations.
  • There are three CTAs above the fold: one in the navigation menu, another below the headline, and a third fixed to the side of the page.

What could be improved:

  • There is no clear message about how visitors can donate, but they will be prompted with a pop-up for fundraising.
  • The page is quite long, and it’s unlikely that many visitors will scroll all the way down to the bottom.

8 Non-profit Landing Page Best Practices

Non-profit landing pages should adhere to best practices such as clear messaging, emotional appeal, strong visuals, trust-building elements, mobile optimization, fast loading times, easy navigation, and effective CTAs. These practices ensure the page resonates with the audience and drives the desired action.

After reviewing the 13 examples that were provided earlier, you may have gained a good understanding of what it takes to create a successful donation page. However, let’s delve a bit deeper and examine eight key best practices for nonprofit landing pages that can make all the difference in crafting an effective and efficient page that can help you achieve your fundraising goals.

1. Include Clear and Concise Messaging

Your landing page should immediately communicate its purpose. Use straightforward, jargon-free language that conveys your message quickly and effectively. The headline should be compelling and the supporting text should reinforce the main message.
UNHCR is a great example here. Their “Please support displaced families this winter” clearly states their goal and how they aid refugees.

2. Incorporate Compelling Visuals

High-quality images and videos can significantly enhance the appeal of your landing page. Use visuals that evoke emotion and align with your message. Authentic photos of your work and the people you help can be particularly powerful.

As for visuals, Charity: Water stands out with eye-catching photos, interactive elements, and a cohesive layout.

3. Craft Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA is the most critical element of your donation landing page. It should be bold, clear, and persuasive, encouraging visitors to take the desired action, whether it’s donating, signing up, or learning more.

Most CTAs come down to “Donate now”, but Szlachetna Paczka’s “Wpłacam, by pomóc” (I’m donating to help), “Wybieram rodzinę” (I choose a family), and “Wspieram dziecko” (I support a child) are more meaningful and emotional.

4. Prioritize Mobile Optimization

With an increasing number of users accessing the web via mobile devices, your landing page must be responsive and mobile-friendly. This ensures a seamless experience for all visitors, regardless of the device they use.

Sightsavers’ landing page is an excellent example of a mobile-optimized page. Each section and button is designed to look and function well on smaller screens.

5. Enhance Loading Speed

A fast-loading page is essential for keeping visitors engaged. Optimize images, minimize the use of heavy scripts, and leverage caching to improve loading times.

GOSH has the fastest page load time among the nonprofits examples we studied. According to PageSpeed Insights, its mobile performance score is 53, while the desktop score is 84. Although this is a good performance, there is still room for improvement that nonprofit landing pages should prioritize.

6. Establish Trust and Credibility

Incorporate elements that build trust, such as testimonials, success stories, endorsements, and transparency in operations. Displaying trust seals, awards, and certifications can also enhance credibility.

The non-profit organization CAMFED is a superb example of trust and credibility, as demonstrated by their testimonials and their registration with the Fundraising Regulator, platinum-level participation with Guide Star, and 100% rating with Charity Navigator.

7. Implement User-Friendly Design

The layout of a non-profit landing page should be intuitive and easy to navigate. Avoid clutter and use whitespace effectively to focus attention on key elements like your CTA and messaging.

A great example of a user-friendly design is the landing page of UNPFA. It’s clear, simple, and easy to navigate, covering all the necessities in a short page.

8. Utilize Testing and Analytics

Regularly test different aspects of your landing page, such as headlines, images, and CTAs, to see what resonates best with your audience. Use analytics to track visitor behavior, conversion rates, and other key metrics, and use these insights to refine and improve your page.

One example of a landing page that has been thoroughly tested and analyzed is “Help for Ukraine” from Biedronka. When creating each landing page in Landingi, Biedronka makes changes based on the needs and market conditions, resulting in high conversion rates.

By following these best practices, non-profit organizations can create landing pages that not only attract visitors but also effectively convert them into supporters, donors, and advocates for their cause.

What to Avoid While Creating Non-profit Landing Pages?

When creating non-profit landing pages, avoid common pitfalls like overwhelming content, unclear CTAs, lack of trust indicators, slow loading times, and non-responsive design. Steering clear of these mistakes enhances user experience and conversion rates.

To build effective donation pages, there are 9 common mistakes that should be avoided:

  1. Overwhelming Content: Keep content focused and concise; too much information can overwhelm visitors.
  2. Unclear Call-to-Action: Ensure your CTA is clear and compelling; avoid ambiguity or multiple CTAs.
  3. Lack of Trust Indicators: Include elements like testimonials and impact statistics to build credibility.
  4. Slow Loading Times: Optimize elements for quick loading to prevent high bounce rates.
  5. Non-Responsive Design: Ensure your page is optimized for all devices, including mobiles and tablets.
  6. Ignoring SEO Best Practices: Implement SEO elements like meta tags and keyword optimization for better visibility.
  7. Failing to Test and Optimize: Continuously test and adjust your page based on performance data.
  8. Inconsistent Branding: Maintain consistency with your organization’s overall branding in colors, fonts, and messaging.
  9. Neglecting User Experience: Ensure a positive user experience with easy navigation and attractive design.

Build Non-Profit Landing Page With Landingi

Non-profit landing pages are a powerful tool in the digital arsenal of charitable organizations. By understanding their purpose, creation process, and best practices, and drawing inspiration from successful examples, non-profits can effectively engage their audience and drive meaningful action.

When creating a landing page, it is important to use a reliable builder with a dependable infrastructure. Fortunately, Landingi is a platform that provides all the necessary tools to create an exceptional donation page. You can start using Landingi for free to test its features, which include a user-friendly interface, payment integrations, pop-up builder, smart sections, AI assistance, and more. With such a range of features, you will be able to create a landing page that will impress your potential donors.

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Magdalena Dejnak

Content Writer

Magdalena Dejnak is a marketing content expert with more than 4 years of experience in digital marketing. Her expertise lies in creating landing pages, managing social media, branding, and optimizing conversion rates. She has been a significant contributor to Landingi platform since the year 2020. Magdalena holds a Postgraduate Degree in E-marketing from the Akademia Górnośląska im. Wojciecha Korfantego. Currently, she is under the mentorship of Błażej Abel, CEO of Landingi, a leading company in landing page technology.
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